Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Back to Basics: Pünktchen Sudoku (D)

(Published on 10. June 2011, 12:00 by Richard)

Consecutive sudoku

Place the digits from 1 tot 9 in every row, column and 3x3-block.

A dot means that the two neighbouring digits are consecutive. All dots are in the grid.

Solution code: Column 4, followed by row 6.

Last changed on on 28. December 2011, 16:06

Solved by zuzanina, suse, Luigi, zhergan, Laje6, flaemmchen, ManuH, pokerke, Alex, Hansjo, zorant, ibag, dm_litv, rimodech, Realshaggy, Saskia, pin7guin, saskia-daniela, joyal, Mody, Statistica, geophil, ... Marco, swotty, Joe Average, tuace, Carolin, CHalb, Rollo, Uhu, Oskama, skypper, sf2l, rcg, Julianl, matter, Nothere, moss, cdwg2000, EKBM, lutzreimer, misko, Nick Smirnov, Krokant, Greg, jalebc
Full list


on 5. January 2023, 19:16 by Nick Smirnov

on 5. September 2012, 17:43 by Ours brun
Your consecutive sudokus are always excellent. I am not brilliant at solving this type, so some of them make me struggle (this one did) but it is always a great pleasure to find the logical tricks you put into them. Thanks!

on 17. June 2011, 15:11 by julius64
Danke für den schönen Rätsel :-)

Last changed on 15. June 2011, 09:51

on 12. June 2011, 11:28 by Statistica
Very good!!! I found some logical conclusions that I never used before. Thanks!

on 10. June 2011, 16:25 by Alex
because it was so nice I solved it twice (via the same nice logical way, only the 2nd time round avoiding the silly mistake)

on 10. June 2011, 14:00 by zhergan
Very nice one as usual:) Thanks Richard...

Rating:89 %
Solved:88 times
Observed:17 times

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