Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

April ABCtjes Monat (4b) - Distanz-ABCtje

(Published on 27. April 2012, 12:00 by Eisbär)

Every letter of the alpabet has a different value from 1 to 26. In the following names of Dutch cities almost all letters appear. The numbers behind the names are the sum of all individual letters of that name.

Numbers attached to letters in a single word may not be consecutive. Example: when in "AMSTERDAM" T=14, the other letters (A, M, S, E, R und D) may not be 13 or 15.

Solution code: The values of A to M (13 numbers)

Last changed on -

Solved by Richard, ibag, ManuH, Alex, zuzanina, AnnaTh, Mody, martin1456, dm_litv, uvo, rimodech, Luigi, zorant, joyal, Hansjo, deu, StefanSch, mango, Babsi, flaemmchen, RobertBe, pin7guin, PRW, sandmoppe, MiR, ildiko, ch1983, ffricke, tuace, Joe Average, Zzzyxas, zhergan, sf2l, Ragna, sloffie, EKBM, Lara Croft
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on 29. April 2012, 16:40 by Mody
Ganz tolle Konstruktion :)

on 29. April 2012, 07:26 by AnnaTh
Die richtige Idee nützt nichts, wenn man nicht rechnen kann ... Sehr schönes Rätsel!!!

on 28. April 2012, 15:47 by Alex
woah, tricky start there. Even more tricky when unable to copy long names :D

on 28. April 2012, 15:33 by flaemmchen
"Hardinxveldgiessendam" - ihr habt ja lustige Ortsnamen ;-))))

Last changed on 27. April 2012, 15:10

on 27. April 2012, 14:58 by ibag
Sehr geschickt gemacht! ;-) Toller (vorläufiger) Abschluss, danke!

on 27. April 2012, 13:27 by Richard
Very nice puzzle! I enjoyed it very much while test-solving!

Rating:92 %
Solved:37 times
Observed:6 times

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