Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Teamwettbewerb 2011: Akustik-Rätsel (Runde 3)

(Published on 31. March 2011, 11:22 by berni)

At 26th of march, we held a team contest during the puzzle weekend. The third round was a surprise-acoustic-meta-puzzle from Silke and me, which was solved by halve of the teams in the available 15 minutes.
Please click here to listen to the puzzle!
The sounds are from following origin: quok, mooooh, elephant, miaouw, kokrchk und tiweet.

Solution code: Search for the oldest puzzle in portal with the same puzzle type (no puzzle mix). Use the code description from that puzzle.

Last changed on on 12. February 2013, 13:38

Solved by Rollo, pin7guin, Semax, ibag, CHalb, pokerke, Mody, uvo, Luigi, mathezwerg, Alex, Skinny Norris, hopppe, pwahs, rimodech, zorant, Krokofant, relzzup, tuace, AnnaTh
Full list


on 14. April 2023, 15:55 by helle
Lieber berni,

kann es sein, dass die Audio-Datei wieder weg ist?
Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

on 23. October 2016, 14:03 by berni
So, die Rätseldatei ist wieder hochgeladen - ich hatte sie beim Aufräumen wohl mal aus Versehen entfernt...

on 10. October 2016, 15:15 by AnnaTh
Wo ist das Rätsel hin? Ich kann es nicht mehr anhören????

on 16. August 2015, 18:52 by Krokofant
Das ist ja nett :)

on 12. February 2013, 13:38 by berni
+ Stichwort

on 31. March 2011, 18:25 by ibag
Was Berni so alles träumt! Jedenfalls klasse umgesetzt!

on 31. March 2011, 15:46 by pin7guin
Einfach genial!!!

on 31. March 2011, 14:40 by Rollo
Toll :-)

on 31. March 2011, 13:49 by berni
+ Mystery-Label

Rating:87 %
Solved:20 times
Observed:6 times

Standard puzzle Meta puzzle Mystery puzzle

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