Teamwettbewerb 2011: Pentominorätsel (Runde 2, Blatt 3, Rätsel 1)
(Published on 28. March 2011, 19:24 by berni)
At 26th of march, we held a team contest during the puzzle weekend. In the second round, every team member got a sheet with three puzzles. At certain times, unknown to the teammembers, they had to hand their sheet to the next team member.
Instructions: Place the 12 pentominoes into the diagram. The pentominoes may not touch, not even diagonally. The pentominoes may be rotated and mirrored. The numbers at the borders give the number of used cells and the number of different pentominoes in that row or column. Some empty cells are allready marked with an X.
Solution code: The third row from bottom, P for a cell with a pentomino and - for an empty cell.
Solved by pokerke, ibag, dm_litv, pin7guin, Luigi, r45, zorant, flooser, saskia-daniela, RobertBe, HaSe, SilBer, Statistica, lupo, zuzanina, Alex, Mody, ffricke, mango, mathezwerg, rimodech, uvo, ManuH, Babsi, ... fratercula, sf2l, cornuto, relzzup, Danielle, bismarck, Semax, Thomster, Joe Average, NikolaZ, tuace, Krokofant, CaGr, Rollie, Matt, jessica6, amitsowani, misko, FzFeather, darksida, EKBM, Echatsum
on 29. March 2011, 07:45 by r45
Dieses Rätsel ist einfach super. Beim Teamwettbewerb hätte ich es nicht abgeben wollen. ;-)
on 29. March 2011, 07:37 by Luigi
Was für ein schönes Pentominorätsel! Keine wilde Herumprobiererei, sehr lecker!