Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Teamwettbewerb 2011: Bahnhöfe (Runde 2, Blatt 2, Rätsel 1)

(Published on 28. March 2011, 12:44 by berni)

At 26th of march, we held a team contest during the puzzle weekend. In the second round, every team member got a sheet with three puzzles. At certain times, unknown to the teammembers, they had to hand their sheet to the next team member.

Instructions: Draw a closed loop into the grid, goint horicontally and vertically from cell to cell. Exactly at the marked cells, the loop has to cross itself and every other cell has to be used exactly once. The stations (numbers) have to be used in the correct sequence. In a station the path may not bend.

Solution code: The fifth line from bottom (the one with the 11). For every cell either a W (horicontally) a S (vertically) or a K (bending).

Solved by ibag, dm_litv, logik66, Laje6, ManuH, zorant, saskia-daniela, Luigi, pokerke, Phip, pin7guin, CHalb, r45, ffricke, Statistica, MiR, joyal, cornuto, rakesh, HaSe, lupo, SilBer, zuzanina, moss, Alex, ... Fiffi, NikolaZ, tuace, CaGr, Matt, jessica6, Nothere, amitsowani, skywalker, Ours brun, athin, misko, AndreasS, darksida, EKBM, polar, Raistlen, helle, puzzler05, chrisbee2, Piatato, Echatsum
Full list


on 24. March 2021, 13:57 by AndreasS
Puh lange her. Rätselwochenende. Schönes Rätsel.

on 28. March 2011, 13:35 by ibag
Wie schoen ist das doch zu loesen, wenn man es nicht dauernd aus der Hand gerissen bekommt ... ;-) Danke fuer den tollen Wettbewerb!

Rating:91 %
Solved:104 times
Observed:6 times

Standard puzzle Large Path puzzle

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