Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Zodiac-Killer III : Gemini

(Published on 1. June 2011, 12:00 by Eisbär)

Place the digits 1 to 9 in every row, every column and every 3x3 standard block in both grids. The numbers in the marked regions are the sums of the digits in these regions. No digit can be repeated within a sum.

Each of the digits 1-9 does appear twice in the lightgreen marked cells. Both grids have the same solution.

Solution code: Column 4, followed by column 6

Last changed on -

Solved by Richard, Laje6, Luigi, zhergan, Alex, Kekes, ibag, flaemmchen, ManuH, zorant, Mody, lutzreimer, saskia-daniela, pokerke, Saskia, joyal, Hansjo, pin7guin, derwolf23, rimodech, Errorandy, Realshaggy, ... marcmees, Uhu, KlausRG, cornuto, Carolin, rubbeng, Matt, Julianl, matter, skywalker, bob, Circleconstant314, FarSail, Alexander Rappa, cdwg2000, rcg, EKBM, ParaNox, Raistlen, geronimo92, misko
Full list


on 23. January 2021, 19:53 by rcg
Nice Arvid.

on 3. June 2011, 18:58 by sternchen
Richtig schönes Rätsel!!

on 3. June 2011, 16:00 by bartdelft
Sehr gutes Ratsel. Ich freue mich schon auf daB nachste.
GruBe, Bart

Last changed on 3. June 2011, 15:55

on 3. June 2011, 15:55 by bertvenlo
Schones Ratsel Arvid. Wenn kommt daB nachste ?
GruBe, Bert

on 1. June 2011, 17:59 by Mody
Sehr schöner gut lösbarer Killer :)

on 1. June 2011, 15:53 by ibag
Hat mir gut gefallen!

Last changed on 1. June 2011, 12:13

on 1. June 2011, 12:12 by Richard
Nice puzzle! While testing this puzzle for Arvid I found some nice, interesting moves that lead to a quick breakthrough.

Rating:92 %
Solved:99 times
Observed:9 times

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