Fill the empty cells of the grid with letters so that all of the given 67 words may be read in any of the eight directions. No empty cells may remain after filling and all words must be connected. The words can intercept and they may partially or completely overlap.
Solution code: Give the contents of Row 2, Row 8, Column 3 and Column 7 in order. Use - for blackened cells.
on 6. October 2011, 17:43 by Saskia
@Eisbär: Okay und schade ;) Ich dachte, damit wird's einfacher. ........... Ach herje, jetzt sehe ich es. Gut wenn man bis 8 zählen kann ;-)
on 6. October 2011, 00:15 by Eisbär
@ Saskia:
That wasn't clear to me also... I just ignored it...
on 5. October 2011, 22:52 by Saskia
Was bedeutet "intercept" in diesem Rätsel?
on 28. February 2011, 14:22 by Rollo
Die Wörter dürfen nicht abknicken und jedes vorgegebene Wort darf auch einzeln dastehen.
on 27. February 2011, 23:54 by Mars
mir ist aus der Angabe nicht klar, ob die angegebenen Wörter auch abknicken dürfen und ob die kleinen gegebenen Wörter wie "do" öfter und einzeln auftauchen dürfen, weil es ja in "pardon" eh schon vorkommt. Kann mir da wer helfen?
on 14. February 2011, 23:37 by Eisbär
Just one star? Well... if you already filled 90% of the diagram... :-( :-D
on 7. February 2011, 23:26 by zhergan
Hi to all,
Two new letters (a B and an R) and a new word (BILL) is added to the puzzle. I hope it has a unique solution now. I want to apologize once more for not controlling all possibilities.
on 7. February 2011, 23:02 by zhergan
Sorry from all! I've been very busy for some hours and couldn't write any messages. I'll immediately check the PNs and try to modify the givens (maybe some more letter additions) to clearify the puzzle. It seems that I didn't check all the possibilities as we understand from the comments. Sorry for the inconvenience:(
on 7. February 2011, 20:21 by saskia-daniela
@Peter: Yep, absolut derselbe Stuchbaben-Wald ;-)
on 7. February 2011, 20:04 by Luigi
@Saskia-Daniela: Habe Deine PN bekommen, wir stehen wohl im selben Wald! ;-)
on 7. February 2011, 19:48 by saskia-daniela
@Peter: hmm, hab auch nichts im Ausgang ;-)
Habs nun nochmal nachgeholt (im Forum)...
on 7. February 2011, 19:21 by Luigi
@Saskia-daniela: Habe keine PN bekommen, wohin hast Du sie geschickt?
on 7. February 2011, 18:05 by Errorandy
@geophil: Danke! Manchmal ist man einfach zu doof zum lesen :)
on 7. February 2011, 18:02 by geophil
@Errorandy: wenn da steht, "may be read in any of the eight directions" ... denk an die Windrose.
on 7. February 2011, 17:43 by Errorandy
Kann das "NO" z.B. auch rückwärts im "PARDON" stecken,oder muss es richtig herum gelesen werden können?
on 7. February 2011, 17:12 by saskia-daniela
@Luigi: Ich schreib Dir eine PN, warum es bei mir geht. Ich denke eigentlich auch, daß wir dieselbe Lösung haben.
on 7. February 2011, 17:00 by Luigi
Looks like we have the same solution, Sakia-Daniela. If so, ill has only one option since it has to be connected to the rest of the raster.
on 7. February 2011, 16:09 by saskia-daniela
The same to me: I found 2 solutions (with the word "ill" in two directions). And I've got 2 white cells as well...
on 7. February 2011, 14:21 by Luigi
I found a solution, could even spare two squares that could be filled with some of the given words. Zafer I did send you a PN with a picture.