As I enjoyed my visit very much I was quite shocked to hear that there was an earthquake close to the village. Luckily nobody was hurt but Hochhausen completely changed its appearance: As it turned out the village was built above the remains of an antique underground settlement. Due to the earthquake the cave containing this settlement collapsed and all the buildings of Hochhausen fell down onto the older houses. Even more surprising than the fact that nobody suffered any injuries was that also the constructors of the old city followed the same rules when building their settlement. They even placed their houses at the same positions.
The third miracle of this incident was that the old buildings were indeed able to carry the additional weight of the buildings falling down on them. As a result Hochhausen's architecture now no longer follows the strict rules from before the earthquake but has much higher buildings than before. As someone loving puzzle this event obviously also offered another challenge. Thanks to three pictures from my vacation and 7 pictures from the newspapers (both showing me how many buildings one can see from a certain position) I was able to deduce the heights of the antique buildings. I'm sure you can do the same!
Solution code: The heights of the houses of the antique village. First the diagonal from the top left to the bottom right, then the diagonal from the top right to the bottom left.
on 14. February 2012, 07:42 by r45
Beim Stöbern in den schönsten Rätseln habe ich mal wieder einen Schatz gefunden.
on 6. July 2011, 20:17 by SilBer
Sehr sehr sehr schön. LG Silke
on 6. July 2011, 20:17 by berni
Wenn man erst mal angefangen hat, macht es richtig Spaß! :-)
on 18. April 2011, 20:16 by Calavera
Ich kann doch keine Fotos von einer Stadt machen, die noch nicht entdeckt wurde...
on 18. April 2011, 20:13 by ManuH
Ich glaube, verstanden zu haben, wie das Rätsel zu lösen ist. Aber ich kapier nicht, wofür die beiden Raster stehen. Ist links die Stadt vor dem Einsturz und rechts dann plus dem was darunter war? Oder ist links die untere Stadt und rechts die Summe aus beiden??
on 9. April 2011, 13:41 by Rollo
on 24. January 2011, 13:34 by cornuto
Ganz tolle Idee.
on 24. January 2011, 08:47 by dm_litv
on 24. January 2011, 00:42 by Calavera
I've added an English translation - @Javier: Send me a message if you don't understand the text. I want to leave instructions only in the story but can give you an easier version.
on 24. January 2011, 00:17 by pin7guin
Dieses Rätsel ist einfach und genial, will sagen: einfach genial! :-)
on 18. January 2011, 20:03 by Phip
Schöne Geschichte mit interessantem Rätsel, super!
on 18. January 2011, 16:55 by ibag
Klasse Idee!
on 18. January 2011, 12:24 by Statistica
Witzige Idee, könnte ein Klassiker werden.
on 18. January 2011, 00:29 by Calavera
Versuch, den Text lesbarer zu machen