Here are two 9x9 jigsaw sudokus that partly overlap. Place the digits from 1 to 9 in every row and column of both grids.
For the puzzle as a whole: place the digits from 1 to 9 in every boldly outlined irregular area and twice in the green cells.
Before solving: replace the letters A,E,M,R,S,X,Y by seven different digits from 1 to 9.
Solution code: Column 1, followed by row 15.
on 28. February 2023, 14:14 by Nick Smirnov
Penpa (dotted lines inside regions, more convenient for one's eyes in my opinion):
on 8. February 2023, 21:04 by Krokant
Fun festive fudoku, erm, sudoku. I did find the intended break-in quite fast, so it was smooth sailing. :)
And a Penpa+ link for everyone in an extended holiday mood:
on 21. February 2012, 23:34 by Realshaggy
Merry Christmas to everyone.
on 16. January 2011, 00:43 by ibag
Ich hab auch lange gebraucht um den Einstieg zu finden - dabei ist er nicht so schwer zu sehen.
on 9. January 2011, 08:27 by Oliver Strauß
Nice puzzle - I had a lot of fun to solve it. It took eight same starts but I always made the same mistake in the middle of the solving way.
on 27. December 2010, 16:43 by berni
It took Silke and me several hours to find a starting point, but we overlooked the start mentioned in Modys hidden comment.
on 26. December 2010, 13:32 by flaemmchen
Auch von mir an dieser Stelle Frohe Weihnachten an alle Rätselfreunde!!
on 25. December 2010, 10:00 by julius64
Happy " Weihnachten " :-)
on 24. December 2010, 22:38 by Alex
And Merry Christmas to all again :)
a nice surprise to find the regular Friday puzzle even during holidays;), thank you!
and took me also a bit longer than expected
on 24. December 2010, 13:39 by zhergan
Nice XMas puzzle:) Thanks Richard...