Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 28. November 2010, 02:03 by lupo)

Enter the letters TARNKPE into the diagram, so that in every row and every column every letter occurs exactly once. Then mark in every row and every column three letters as visible and four letters as invisible.

The letters at the borders indicate the letter that is seen first in the corresponding row or column. Of course, invisible letters are not seen at all.

Given letters may be visible as well as invisible.

Example (with letters NED and one invisible letter each row or column; invisible letters have been marked by surrounding circles)

Solution code: all visible letters in natural order

Solved by Ute2, saskia-daniela, ManuH, ibag, suse, Saskia, pwahs, RobertBe, pokerke, logik66, AnnaTh, mango, miez, Rollo, Richard, Toastbrot, Thomster, Mody, cornuto, Lohnecke, uvo, derwolf23, Antarez, ... relzzup, RALehrer, matter, adam001, pirx, r45, AndreasS, Joo M.Y, rob, moss, Mars, sf2l, tuace, KlausRG, Matt, ildiko, Joe Average, marcmees, Krokant, skywalker, amitsowani, misko, athin, Raistlen
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on 24. February 2011, 23:16 by lupo
@Javier: all visible letters, from left to right, top to bottom. The code of the sample would be: NDENED

on 24. February 2011, 20:10 by Javier Rebottaro
@Lupo: Sorry, but I do not understand the code. :-(

on 30. November 2010, 13:05 by Realshaggy
Sehr schöne Buchstabensalat-Variante, in die man sich trotzdem nochmal richtig neu reindenken muß.

on 29. November 2010, 18:07 by Mody
Eine wirklich pfiffige Rätselidee. Mir hat's großen Spaß gemacht :)

Rating:88 %
Solved:90 times
Observed:8 times

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