Bunte Parks im Hochhausjungle 2
(Published on 4. November 2010, 23:15 by Babsi)
The city builder has designd the parks between the houses with coloured flowers in blue (B), red (R) and yellow (G). In every row and every column you can find the houses with the hight of 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the parks with blue, red and yellow flowers.
The hints tell you what you can see from this position. The letters tell you wich parks you can see and the numbers how many houses you can see.
The parks are so colourfull that you can see them also after a house with the hight 1. But not after houses that are higher. The order of the letters don't tell anything about the order of the parks in the riddle. Parks with the same colour can't be diagonal neighbours. Houses will be, like in the original riddle, hidden by higher houses.
Solution code: Both diagonal rows, first left top to right down and then right top to left down. You have to put in all letters and numbers.
Last changed on on 5. November 2010, 08:56
Solved by Hausigel, flooser, uvo, Statistica, zhergan, pokerke, saskia-daniela, miez, fratercula, Richard, Nothere, Le Ahcim, Toastbrot, Alex, Mody, bergelfe, ManuH, suse, Klärchen, ibag, flaemmchen, ... pirx, annusia, derwolf23, matter, moss, Joo M.Y, Joe Average, swotty, sf2l, tuace, RALehrer, marsigel, Krokofant, ildiko, KlausRG, adam001, Matt, marcmees, skywalker, Krokant, Realshaggy, Danielle
on 9. August 2021, 15:35 by Realshaggy
Hinweis an die Mods: hier fehlt die Grafik auf in der englischen Seite.
on 12. November 2010, 16:54 by Mody
@Hansjo: PM ist unterwegs
on 5. November 2010, 20:18 by ManuH
Oh, danke!
Man sollt halt jedesmal die Anleitung lesen :)
on 5. November 2010, 18:56 by CHalb
Bei 4 Hochhäusern geht das ;-).
on 5. November 2010, 18:53 by ManuH
Steh ich grad auf der Leitung? Wie kann das sein, dass von rechts aus gesehen 3 Hochhäuser sichtbar sind und von links aus 2? Geht irgendwie nicht. Oder hab ich´s falsch verstanden?
on 5. November 2010, 11:07 by zhergan
Very nice puzzle:) Thanks....
on 5. November 2010, 10:19 by Statistica
Klasse konstruiert!
on 5. November 2010, 08:57 by Babsi
@uvo Danke für den Hinweis
on 5. November 2010, 08:56 by Babsi
Mehrdeutigkeit korrigiert