Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Gerade-Ungerade-Killer II

(Published on 11. May 2013, 00:00 by Realshaggy)

Place a digit from 1 to 9 into each of the empty squares, so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and boldly outlined 3x3 box. A clue in a small cage represents the sum of the digits in this cage (as in Standard Killer Sudoku), but odd digits in this clue are replaced by O and even digits by E. For example a cage with digits 7,8 and 9 has a clue EE, while a cage with digits 1,2 and 4 has a clue O. Digits may not repeat within a small cage.

Example with solution (with digits 1 to 4 and german letters, (G)erade=(E)ven, (U)ngerade=(O)dd. Sorry for inconvinience.):



Solution code: The first column, then the last row.

Last changed on on 29. August 2021, 23:25

Solved by Kekes, Errorandy, deu, zorant, Alex, ManuH, joyal, Mody, r45, verflixt, Hansjo, adam001, Mathi, RALehrer, ch1983, MiR, Luigi, Ute2, Saskia, ibag, lutzreimer, pin7guin, KlausRG, BFaw, pirx, derwolf23, ... sf2l, HugoSimon, skypper, Uhu, Joe Average, Hasenvogel, NikolaZ, Carolin, crissu, moss, rubbeng, Zzzyxas, Julianl, Matt, Nothere, cdwg2000, abed hawila, Crul, Vebby, glum_hippo, P12345, Just me
Full list


on 29. August 2021, 23:25 by Realshaggy
Added online-solving link, revised labels.

on 10. August 2021, 21:30 by uvo_mod
Label "Even/Odd-Krypto" ergänzt.

on 16. December 2013, 20:38 by ildiko
Ich mag diese Rätsel. Hat mir gut gefallen. Mal sehen, ob es irgendwo noch eines gibt, das ich noch nicht gelöst habe.

on 14. May 2013, 15:12 by flaemmchen
Toll !!

on 13. May 2013, 23:13 by Statistica
Schön und flüssig lösbar. Danke!

on 13. May 2013, 10:43 by Realshaggy
Rechtschreibfehler korrigiert.

on 12. May 2013, 13:38 by ibag
Klasse Rätsel!

on 12. May 2013, 11:52 by Saskia
Wunderschön!! Meer :)

Rating:95 %
Solved:83 times
Observed:13 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Even/Odd coded puzzle

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