Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pentomino Schleifen (NFF)

(Published on 8. October 2010, 12:00 by Richard)


Only for freaks

Place the 12 Pentominos in the grid so that they form two separate loops. Obey the following rules:

- Two neighbouring pentominos touch each other only at one side.

- The cells inside both loops are connected orthogonal.

- The loops may not touch each other, not even diagonally.

- Pentominos may be rotated and/or mirrored.

- The numbers tell how many of the cell sides belong to a pentomino.

Once again the set of pentominos:

Solution code: The loop containing the F-pentomino is loop 1, the other is loop 2. From loop 1 the letters of the pentominos, clockwise, starting with the F. From loop 2 the letters of the pentominos, clockwise, starting with the earliest letter of the alphabet. Then the number of cells inside loop 2.

Last changed on on 22. August 2012, 15:35

Solved by r45, RobertBe, uvo, Luigi, Alex, Le Ahcim, PRW, rimodech, zorant, ibag, MiR, matter, Statistica, pokerke, saskia-daniela, Mody, flooser, ch1983, tuace, AnnaTh, Joe Average, Zzzyxas, misko, EKBM, damasosos92, Myxo, zzw, Echatsum
Full list


on 2. June 2013, 10:14 by Mody
Now, I'm a freak, too ;)

on 15. September 2012, 07:47 by Richard
Ah, thanks for solving!
@Statistica: no worries mate! :-)

on 14. September 2012, 21:42 by pokerke
Now the stars are red again :-).
I had started the puzzle a few times but always got stuck. Tonight I finally got around to trying a different technique. Thanks for the nice puzzle!

on 13. September 2012, 21:34 by Statistica
Blue stars come and go, but I hope THIS puzzle will stay here...

on 13. September 2012, 18:43 by Richard
Well, the blue stars are back... :-(

on 9. September 2012, 14:51 by Statistica
Finally! (with a little help from my friends...). A nice one. Thanks!

on 23. August 2012, 14:54 by ibag
Hm, immernoch blau ...

on 22. August 2012, 17:17 by CHalb
I'm going to try its stammtischusability.

on 22. August 2012, 15:36 by Richard
OK, this puzzle is in the portal for almost two years now, and it is the only puzzle from me that still has only blue stars. I hope a few people will still tackle this one, since I personally think it is one of my highlights... :-)

on 22. August 2012, 15:35 by Richard
English added.

on 26. June 2012, 11:50 by ibag
Nein, darf es nicht.

on 26. June 2012, 11:48 by ManuH
Zwischen den beiden Schleifen darf es , nehme ich an, keine Berührung geben. Oder?

on 13. March 2012, 09:10 by Statistica
Na, dann werde ich mich mal wieder ranmachen...!

on 12. March 2012, 20:49 by ibag
Hängt sicher davon ab, wieviele Schachzüge man im Kopf durchdenken kann. ;-) Ich hatte schon auch immer mehrere Möglichkeiten im Visier. Aber insgesamt ist es sicher kein ausgesprochenes T&E-Rätsel.

Last changed on 12. March 2012, 19:34

on 12. March 2012, 19:34 by Statistica
Das motiviert mich :-). Das liegt bei mir nämlich auch noch rum. Trotz zweier Anläufe - der letzte ist schon etwas länger her - noch nicht wesentlich weiter gekommen. Hatte aber das Gefühl, ohne T&E nicht weiter zu kommen... Oder irre ich mich da?

on 12. March 2012, 16:37 by ibag
Was für ein Meilenstein! Dafür hab ich fast eineinhalb Jahre gebraucht. Aber das hat auch ein bißchen mit dem furchteinflößenden Titel zu tun. - Tolles Rätsel jedenfalls!

on 11. October 2010, 14:15 by Alex
yay, freak status obtained ;)
very nice (despite the pentos) and tricky

on 11. October 2010, 12:32 by Luigi

on 10. October 2010, 03:25 by uvo
Danke für ein wirklich außergewöhnlich schönes Rätsel!

on 8. October 2010, 18:03 by r45
Was wären die Freitage, ohne die wunderschönen Rätsel von Richard. Danke, danke, danke!!!

on 8. October 2010, 13:22 by Le Ahcim
Kannst Du ja eh nicht...

on 8. October 2010, 13:08 by Luigi
Einteilen.... Werd´s versuchen!

on 8. October 2010, 12:32 by Realshaggy
Einteilen, Luigi, einteilen!

on 8. October 2010, 12:03 by Luigi
Freak????? Ich bin kein Freak, sieht aber lecker aus!

Rating:92 %
Solved:28 times
Observed:9 times

Puzzle combination Pentominoes

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