Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Argyle Sudoku with Extra Regions III

(Published on 24. September 2010, 02:07 by zhergan)

Place the digits 1 to 9 in every row, column, 3x3 standard block and 5 extra regions painted with grey. All the digits on the marked diagonals must also be different.

Solution code: Column 2, followed by row 8.

Last changed on on 16. August 2021, 01:03

Solved by saskia-daniela, Mitchsa, Luigi, Statistica, Hansjo, martin1456, swotty, Alex, ManuH, ibag, pokerke, Richard, Le Ahcim, Saskia, sandmoppe, flaemmchen, ffricke, Realshaggy, Mody, Rollo, Nothere, PRW, ... dm_litv, Laje6, MiR, sanrokiz, annusia, ch1983, Hasenvogel, marcmees, ildiko, KlausRG, marsigel, Babsi, EMREdersin, sf2l, Rollie, Carolin, tuace, Joe Average, Julianl, Matt, Uhu, Zzzyxas, SKORP17
Full list


on 16. August 2021, 01:03 by zhergan
Tags revision..

on 15. August 2021, 23:39 by zhergan
Tags and labels revision..

on 24. September 2010, 19:07 by ibag
Auch sehr schön zu lösen! Danke!

on 24. September 2010, 13:47 by Saskia
Nix Pause - das macht so einen Spaß :-)))

on 24. September 2010, 11:30 by logik66
Warum eine Pause? Mir macht es Spaß, auch wenn ich nicht hinterherkomme.

on 24. September 2010, 09:53 by Rollo
@ zhergan: Bitte mach mal eine Pause! Das kann ja nicht gesund sein, was du machst.

Rating:81 %
Solved:62 times
Observed:13 times

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