Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Twin Chaos Sudoku with Renban Groups

(Published on 14. September 2010, 21:54 by zhergan)

Place the digits 1 to 9 in every row, column and outlined area. Both grids have the same solution. Besides grey painted cells form renban groups. These groups must hold consecutive numbers, in any order.

Solution code: Row 5, followed by column 7

Last changed on on 15. August 2021, 23:30

Solved by zuzanina, martin1456, saskia-daniela, Javier Rebottaro, Richard, logik66, Statistica, PRW, swotty, Le Ahcim, pokerke, ibag, Hansjo, flaemmchen, RobertBe, Luigi, derwolf23, pin7guin, mango, Rollo, ... wolx, rubbeng, Uhu, tuace, skypper, Matt, Lohnecke, moss, jessica6, Julianl, NikolaZ, rcg, misko, bronsonlewis, cdwg2000, Raistlen, ParaNox, luda3, losingreallybadly, Jordan Timm, underdude, jgarber
Full list


on 25. November 2021, 19:06 by zhergan
@luda3: Thanks for solving. I'm glad you liked it:)

on 25. November 2021, 00:30 by luda3
Thank you for sharing your interesting and fun sudoku puzzle!

on 15. August 2021, 23:30 by zhergan
Tags and labels revision..

Last changed on 19. September 2010, 13:32

on 19. September 2010, 12:16 by Eisbär
Nice easy puzzle Zafer, thanks! But why could I get the "Lösungscode" with still 32 open spaces left?? :-)

@Eisbär: Yes you're right Arvid. That was my mistake for choosing the wrong solution code for this easy one. But I didn't mind changing it later and hoping that puzzlers continue till solving the rest. Also there may be some others following other logical steps and getting the whole solution code while the higher ratio of the puzzle is completed. Thanks for dealing and solving this one:)


on 15. September 2010, 12:01 by ibag
Ich finde ein einfaches Sudoku mal sehr erholsam. Und Twins mag ich sowieso. Nice puzzle!

on 15. September 2010, 10:46 by swotty
It was a bit to easy for my liking. ;)

Last changed on 14. September 2010, 22:00

on 14. September 2010, 21:59 by zhergan
Like uvo's last puzzle there was a problem with "Einstelldatum" but I think it is fixed now.

Rating:83 %
Solved:106 times
Observed:15 times

Puzzle variant Variant combination Multi-grid puzzle

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