Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 29. August 2010, 12:56 by ibag)

First replace the letters A-J by numbers 0-9. Same letters mean same numbers, different letters mean different numbers.

Then draw a snake from 1 to n into the grid that never touches itself, not even diagonally. Some parts of the snake are already given. The position of head and tail and the total length of the snake are unknown. Numbers outside the grid indicate the number of squares covered by the snake in the respective row or column.

All given numbers inside as well as outside the the grid are wrong. The correct number is 1 higher or lower than the given number.

Solution code: The value of the letters A-J, followed by the number of turns of the snake.

Last changed on on 26. May 2017, 20:06

Solved by Antarez, zuzanina, pin7guin, Mody, wuzzle, pokerke, saskia-daniela, Le Ahcim, Statistica, Luigi, Realshaggy, uvo, ffricke, RobertBe, pwahs, Toastbrot, CHalb, sandmoppe, martin1456, ManuH, PRW, Alex, ... matter, Ute2, RALehrer, pirx, AnnaTh, Babsi, r45, Thomster, Zzzyxas, moss, derwolf23, tuace, ildiko, KlausRG, Matt, Joe Average, Uhu, skywalker, Dotty, Feadoor, helle, KNT, Piatato, Echatsum
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on 10. January 2023, 09:57 by Dotty
Ok, thanks a lot

Last changed on 9. January 2023, 18:20

on 9. January 2023, 18:20 by ibag
@dotty: Sorry, maybe I missed a part of your comment. Numbers are wrong by one. A 55 can mean 54 or 56.

on 9. January 2023, 18:17 by Dotty
It's not clearer... Can you just answer the exemple ?

on 9. January 2023, 15:19 by ibag
@Dotty: I can't see what exactly is not clear here. For me, Ziffern=digits are Zahlen=numbers from 0 to 9. Unfortunately I used the word "numbers" in the english instruction twice, but at the beginning "numbers from 0 to 9" makes everything clear in my eyes.

on 9. January 2023, 15:11 by Dotty
The comments about Ziffern or Zahlen which are Knapp daneben are not understandable for me... Translators are not agree on which is "chiffre (0 to 9)" and which is "nombre (number with one or more digits)".
In english version, you wrote numbers for numbers and for digits, so it's not clearer for me.
Do numbers with 2 digits are 1 less or more or each digit in the number is 1 less or more ? For exemple 55 can be 54 or 56, or 44, 46, 64 or 66 ?

on 5. August 2011, 11:28 by ibag
Gestaltung verändert

on 22. January 2011, 14:38 by MagicMichi
Ich hab das Rätsel lange vor mir hergeschoben, da Knapp daneben + Krypto + so wenige Angaben + Kopf, Schwanz und Länge unbekannt doch ziemlich schwierig sein muss. Außerdem mag ich Schlagenrätsel normalerweise nicht besonders. Um so erstaunlicher, dass das Rätsel richtig schön und gar nicht so schwierig ist!

on 31. August 2010, 21:29 by CHalb
Hat richtig Spaß gemacht.

on 30. August 2010, 17:06 by pin7guin
@ManuH: Du hast richtig gelesen: ZAHLEN.

on 30. August 2010, 17:04 by ManuH
Sind innerhalb des Rasters wirklich die Zahlen knapp daneben, oder sind die Ziffern gemeint??

on 30. August 2010, 15:31 by Luigi
Sehr schöne Idee; hat mir viel Spaß gemacht!!

on 29. August 2010, 15:48 by pin7guin
Wie oft bin ich hier reingefallen, weil ich immer wieder vergessen habe, dass die Zahlen ja "Knapp daneben" sind... ;-)

Rating:92 %
Solved:71 times
Observed:6 times

Path puzzle Knapp daneben Coded puzzle

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