Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

S wie Sudoku mit Renban-Gruppen

(Published on 4. September 2010, 13:24 by CHalb)

A few weeks ago the younger brother of niruaL told me on the way to his school, they sometimes solve Sudokus in their mathematic-lessons. So I got the idea, to make my first Sudoku and immediately the S for Sudoku with Renban Groups from zhergan came to my mind. Here a german version. Maybe it will find its way into a schoolclass some day...

Place the numbers 1 to 8 in every row, column and bold bordered 2x4-area.

If a letter is given in a cell, a number must be entered in this cell, that contains this letter in its german spelling. The 5 is written FUENF, not with Ü. Here the used spellings:

1 - EINS
2 - ZWEI
3 - DREI
4 - VIER
8 - ACHT

The painted cells form renban groups. These groups must hold consecutive numbers in any order.

Remark: The four non-renban letters TWEE form a numberword as well: a niederdeutsch (low-german?; also called plattdeutsch) version of ZWEI (and of course dutch as well ;-) ).

Solution code: First the numbers of the 5th row (left to right) followed by the numbers of the 5th column (top to bottom).

Last changed on on 4. September 2010, 17:01

Solved by Alex, suse, pin7guin, flaemmchen, Mody, zhergan, logik66, saskia-daniela, Hansjo, cornuto, ManuH, Luigi, Antarez, martin1456, Nothere, dapsy, Le Ahcim, PRW, Mitchsa, Skinny Norris, sandmoppe, ... skypper, sf2l, Joe Average, relzzup, ildiko, tuace, Uhu, Matt, jessica6, Julianl, NikolaZ, amitsowani, Raistlen, rcg, bronsonlewis, ParaNox, helle, unthinkable_sp, losingreallybadly, jgarber
Full list


Last changed on 16. November 2011, 10:59

on 16. November 2011, 10:15 by CHalb
Vielleicht ist es ja auch ohne die Renban-Gruppen eindeutig ;-). Das halte ich zwar für unwahrscheinlich, aber ich probier das mal...

Nachtrag: Neenee, das wird nix.

on 15. November 2011, 21:39 by berni
Es wird deutlich einfacher, wenn man an die Renban-Gruppen denkt...

on 7. October 2010, 12:31 by fratercula
Sehr gut durchdacht, tolles Rätsel!

on 8. September 2010, 19:07 by Rollo
... und ich habe 600 voll gemacht :-).

on 8. September 2010, 12:39 by Eisbär
What a wonderful solving path... Thank you Christian!

on 4. September 2010, 17:01 by CHalb
Hab nur Layout des Textes etwas geändert.

on 4. September 2010, 14:49 by zhergan
Very nice:) Thanks Christian!

on 4. September 2010, 14:46 by Mody
auch optisch wunderschön :)

on 4. September 2010, 14:01 by Alex
Herzlichen Glueckwunsch zur #800!:D

on 4. September 2010, 13:26 by CHalb
Huch, damit hab ich die 800 vollgemacht. War keine Absicht.

Last changed on 4. September 2010, 13:25

on 4. September 2010, 13:24 by CHalb
manuelle Aktivierung

Last changed on 28. August 2010, 14:26

on 27. August 2010, 14:08 by CHalb
Ich wollte zum Spaß die Aktivierungsuhrzeit ändern. Das hab ich aber (wahrscheinlich) nicht geschafft.

Rating:82 %
Solved:108 times
Observed:18 times

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