Prince Levin wanted to marry princess Bisi, but her father said, that he had to invent an invisible puzzle. He made a magnetspuzzle with some plates being invisible and got knowledge of a dwarf how was able to make magnets totaly invisible. The dwarf was in reality a bad magician and made the puzzle completely invisible. When he looked through the puzzle at the sky, he noticed, that it was indeed completely invisible.
Unfortunately the prince was not allowed to visit the king, because the quards thought, he wantet to show up with empty hands. Therefore the prince was very sad and went into the large dark forest. There he met an old wife which was the Steganogra-Ferry who tried to reduce the effect of the curse of the bad magican and disappeard. Prince Levin couldn't find any difference when he again tested the invisibility of the puzzle.
But the luck was his and when he again tried to visit the king he got there an the king was impressed of his invisible puzzle und so the prince got married to the princes!
Instructions: First, find out, how to make the magnets puzzle visible, then solve it like a normal magnets puzzle, with the difference, that some of the plates are not drawn (that is they are invisible)!
Solution code: Row seven and eight, pluspoles as +, minuspoles as - and neutral poles as N.
on 23. January 2017, 09:38 by CHalb
@ManuH: Ich hab dir eine PN geschickt.
on 21. January 2017, 16:53 by berni
@ManuH: Ja, du bist auf der richtigen Fährte.
on 4. June 2015, 14:01 by pin7guin
@Joe Average: Habe dir eine PN geschickt.
on 12. February 2013, 13:44 by berni
+ Stichwort
on 31. March 2011, 13:51 by berni
Label Meta -> Mystery
on 18. December 2010, 12:30 by Mody
Das unsichtbare Rätsel ist wunderschön, aber ohne technische Hilfe (danke Gabi und Günter) wäre ich nie dahin gekommen.
on 5. December 2010, 15:21 by pin7guin
Doppelt genial! Danke, Berni!
on 30. November 2010, 17:45 by ibag
Klasse Rätsel - wenn man's denn erstmal hat!
on 21. October 2010, 22:38 by lupo
doppelt genial!
on 19. October 2010, 15:10 by Alex
das hat aber Spass gemacht! :D
on 18. October 2010, 18:19 by miez
Das ist echt nett, gefällt mir. Leider hab ich keine Ahnung, wie das gehen soll... :-))
on 18. October 2010, 18:03 by berni
Korrektur von Rechtschreibfehlern.
on 18. October 2010, 14:27 by berni
Nachdem nun der Designwettbewerb rum ist, hier ein Rätsel, welches mir so beim Thema "unsichtbar" eingefallen ist... Ich hoffe, es gefällt, auch wenn man wohl erst einmal wie der Ochs vorm Berg (ähh Himmel) stehen dürfte.