Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Symmetric Unequal Sudoku with Renban Groups

(Published on 30. July 2010, 09:32 by zhergan)

Place the digits 1 to 9 in every row, column and 3x3 standard block. Cells that are 180° symmetric to each other cannot have same digits (e.g. R[n]C[k] can never have the same digit as R[10-n]C[10-k]). Besides grey painted connected cells form renban groups. These groups must hold consecutive numbers, in any order.

Solution code: First enter the contents of row 2 and column 8, then give sum of the digits for each of 4 renban groups increasing in order.

Last changed on on 15. August 2021, 23:18

Solved by Statistica, bergelfe, Alex, ManuH, Luigi, Hansjo, pokerke, mango, saskia-daniela, Realshaggy, Mody, pin7guin, martin1456, Rollie, swotty, flaemmchen, sternchen, martin, derwolf23, PRW, lutzreimer, ... RALehrer, Sukram, Mathi, Babsi, Oskama, KlausRG, Joo M.Y, Zzzyxas, Uhu, Carolin, Joe Average, tuace, Matt, Julianl, moss, marsigel, jirk, NikolaZ, rcg, Danielle, bismarck, ParaNox, Raistlen, SKORP17
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on 15. August 2021, 23:18 by zhergan
Tags revision..

Last changed on 30. July 2010, 17:36

on 30. July 2010, 16:55 by HaSe
(C1R2) = (C9R2) is allowed

so so !?!

@HaSe: Hi Hartmut, I really didn't notice the two cells are on the same row since I was dealing with something else:)) I corrected my comment about it. Ooops:)

on 30. July 2010, 16:43 by flaemmchen
@Luigi: Danke!

on 30. July 2010, 14:42 by Luigi
Diese Regel kann man bildlich auch so verstehen: Keine Zahl darf durch Spiegelung (=Punktspiegelung) an der Mitte auf sich selbst abbildbar sein.

Die Mitte ist hier das Zentrum des Sudoku.

on 30. July 2010, 13:53 by flaemmchen
Könnte mir jemand diese 180°-Regel auf Deutsch erklären? Das wäre sehr nett!
Vielen Dank!

on 30. July 2010, 11:49 by Luigi
Eine sehr interessante Variante. Eine echte Konzentrationsarbeit ohne T&E.

Last changed on 30. July 2010, 11:24

on 30. July 2010, 11:02 by Statistica
The rule is: R[n]C[k] can never have the same digit as R[10-n]C[10-k] for all n, k from 1 to 9 (not both 5 ;-)), which means (point-) symmetric fields to the center-field.

@Statistica: This formulation with n and k is much better I think. I am editing the previous one also. Thanks:)

Last changed on 30. July 2010, 17:35

on 30. July 2010, 10:47 by Luigi
I do not understand the rules. Could you give some more examples of what is allowed or not?

Is (C1R2) = (C9R2) allowed?
Is (C1R2) = (C9R8) allowed?

@Luigi: Hi Peter,

(C1R2) = (C9R2) is not allowed since both cells are on the same row.

(C1R2) = (C9R8) is not allowed also due to the given rule.


Last changed on 30. July 2010, 11:23

on 30. July 2010, 10:21 by Statistica
I have problems with the code... BTW: What means 'even diagonally' in the instructions???

OK. My fault, all is correct ;-)

@Statistica: Hi Jörg, you're right 'even diagonally' expression is completely meaningless here. I just copied that part of the text from another puzzle where it is meaningful. I am editing that part in a few seconds.

Last changed on 30. July 2010, 10:14

on 30. July 2010, 09:54 by Realshaggy
Just some nitpicking: What about n=5? :-)

@Realshaggy: Yes this leads us to a contradiction. I think we must assume that n!=5 for this one:))

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