Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Für Rollo zum Geburtstag: Rollorätsel

(Published on 23. June 2010, 05:08 by CHalb)

To Rollos birthday: Rollopuzzle

Remark: The word "Rollo" is not only a nick here in the portal (stressed on the first syllable) but in german also the expression for "roller blind" (then normally stressed on the second syllable).

While grubbing around in a second-hand bookshop some weeks ago I found in an area with puzzlebooks of such specialists as Zweistein and Smullyan a roller blind. Of course I was quite astonished since such curtains normally have nothing what soever to do with books or puzzles.

Uncoiling it I found a picture:

In one corner the following list of puzzletypes was stitched:
- Fillomino
- Seitenlängen-Zerlegung (Rectangle Sides; I couldn't find this one in the wiki. Thanks to kiwijam for this english name.)
- Sikaku (engl. Shikaku)
- Tapa
- Tentacles (Naoki)
- Vier Winde (Four Winds; haven't found this one in the Wiki either.)
- Walls (Naoki)

Well, I thought, of course I should take it with me, since it will have some kind of "puzzling" meaning.

While studying this item at home I had the idea, the diagram might be readable in a special Rollomanner. First the bottom row can be considered alone. Then - after some further uncoiling - the two bottommost rows might be taken together and so on until finally all six lines of the diagram are visible. Thus six different diagrams would occur.

All right, but why are seven puzzletypes in the list? In trying to relate the seven types to the six diagrams I came up with the conclusion, that there is only one combination to relate one type to each diagram, to make up six puzzles with unique solutions. This means: If a diagram leads in the interpretation as a puzzle of one puzzletype to no or more than one solution, this relation is not part of the final solution.

Which puzzletype is related to which diagram of the puzzlerollo?

Here once more the diagram:

The instructions for Fillomino, Shikaku and Tapa can be taken from the Puzzlewiki.

Seitenlängen-Zerlegung (Rectangle Sides)
Dissect the diagram along the gridlines into rectangles and squares so that each area contains exactly one number and each cell is part of one area and the number indicates one of the two sidelengths of the area.

Draw tentacles starting from the center of each cell that has a number. The tentacles go horizontally and vertically through the centers of cells. Each number indicates the length of the tentacle that extends from that cell. Tentacles do not touch or cross each other and each empty cell is used by exactly one tentacle. (for examples look at http://puzzle.gr.jp/kahua/kahua-web/hima/tentacle.pdf and Tentakel)

Vier Winde (Four Winds)
Draw horizontal and vertical lines into the diagram, each beginning at a number. Each empty cell is used by exactly one line. The numbers in the cells give the number of cells, which are covered by the lines starting at this cell.

Place a horizontal or vertical linesegment in each empty cell. Numbers indicate the total lengths of the segments that are connected to the associated cell. Only the segments till other numbers or the end of lines count. (for examples look at http://puzzle.gr.jp/kahua/kahua-web/hima/wall.pdf and Walls)

Solution code: Of each puzzletype - starting with the one-row-puzzle - the first two letters of the german name (e.g. fi for Fillomino, si (not sh) for Sikaku and vi (not fo) for Vier Winde).

Last changed on on 19. October 2023, 14:08

Solved by Luigi, Le Ahcim, Alex, pin7guin, PRW, RobertBe, ibag, pwahs, saskia-daniela, Mody, uvo, pokerke, Lohnecke, Rollo, bergelfe, mikaso, sandmoppe, Realshaggy, Danielle, Rollie, ManuH, Antarez, Toastbrot, ... fratercula, Babsi, adam001, pirx, RALehrer, flaemmchen, AnnaTh, Senor Dingdong, Joe Average, rob, dm_litv, tuace, ildiko, Matt, jessica6, sf2l, Mystoph, amitsowani, CJK, PaulaW, starelev5, Drawoon
Full list


on 19. October 2023, 14:08 by CHalb
Label Matchmaker ergänzt

on 16. June 2022, 16:52 by Drawoon
penpa+: https://tinyurl.com/2yf4axr5

also, for clarification: one puzzle can have unique solutions for multiple puzzle types. If that happens, you have to pick one so that every puzzle has a different puzzle type.

on 28. July 2021, 14:17 by CHalb
Stichworte ergänzt

on 25. March 2020, 17:27 by Rollo
#Mystoph: Es gibt noch mehr 'Für Rollo ...'. Besonders das Speichenrätsel kann ich empfehlen.

on 25. March 2020, 15:55 by Mystoph
Sehr sehr schöne Idee. Die Zufallsfunktion lässt mich immer wieder tief verborgene Perlen entdecken...

on 23. July 2016, 09:22 by tuace
Das ist - neben vielem anderen - vor allem eine außergewöhnlich schöne Idee.

on 15. January 2016, 00:08 by rob
Ich stand eine Weile auf dem Schlauch, weil ich "sich nicht berühren" beim Tentakelrätsel für schlangenartiges "nicht selbst berühren" hielt.

Last changed on 2. March 2012, 10:52

on 2. March 2012, 10:52 by CHalb
English description changed because of the suggestion from kiwijam. Thanks for it!

on 2. March 2012, 04:19 by kiwijam
42 puzzles in 1! Thank you for the good long English translation. Maybe Seitenlängen-Zerlegung could be called "Rectangle Sides" in English?

on 27. August 2010, 18:05 by cornuto
Dieses Schmuckstück habe ich erst heute im Portal entdeckt. Hat mir super gefallen.

on 24. June 2010, 15:37 by Rollo
Danke, danke, danke für die vielen Glückwüsche :-) :-) :-), und einen besonderen Dank an CH für das Rätsel, was für ein tolles Geburtstagsgeschenk!

on 23. June 2010, 17:10 by Mody
Geniale Komposition, ein Diagramm, das für 42 Rätsel verwendet wird :)))
Auch von mir alles Liebe an Rollo.

on 23. June 2010, 14:01 by ibag
Ebenfalls alles Gute! Sehr schönes Geschenk!

on 23. June 2010, 13:27 by RobertBe
Also auch vor mir hG zum Geburtstag!

on 23. June 2010, 12:01 by pin7guin
Auch von mir alle Gute!

on 23. June 2010, 11:25 by Alex
herzlichen Glueckwunsch auch!
Bei so einem schoenen Geburtstagsraetsel kommen bestimmt noch viele davon an...

on 23. June 2010, 10:38 by Le Ahcim
Da schließe ich mich dem ersten Gratulanten an: Herzlichen Glückwunsch Rollo & noch viele Rätselideen - sowohl als Löser als auch als Autor.

on 23. June 2010, 07:50 by Luigi
Auch von mir: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag an Rollo! Ein Rollorätsel für einen besonderen Rollotag! Klasse Idee!

Rating:91 %
Solved:73 times
Observed:10 times

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