Meta Masyu
(Published on 13. April 2010, 20:08 by CHalb)
Write one black or white circle in only one cell to attain a Masyu puzzle with exactly one solution. This means, after positioning the circle a unique path can be drawn and for each cell of the diagram is clear, whether it belongs to the path or not. Only the white cells belong to the diagram.
You have co apply the normal Masyu-rules: Draw a closed path into the puzzle, that passes every field with a circle. The path may bent 90° in the fields. In fields with a black circle the path has to bent in a 90° angle and has to continue in both directions one field straight. Through fields with a white circle the path has to go straight and has to bent 90° in the next field in at least one direction.
Solution code: The coordinate of the cell with the circle (first the letter of the column followed by the number of the row), the colour of the circle (S [german schwarz] for black or W for white) and the number of cells belonging to the path.
Solved by pokerke, Luigi, pwahs, saskia-daniela, ibag, RobertBe, Rollie, Statistica, derwolf23, geibthor, Alex, Lohnecke, ManuH, Mody, ffricke, miez, Toastbrot, pin7guin, hopppe, Javier Rebottaro, ... NikolaZ, athin, Raistlen, misko, Jiahenitian, cdwg2000, H1324851344, CJK, Dugong, garganega, h5663454, Mark Sweep, helle, nmk1218, losingreallybadly, abadx, NIGHTCRAULER, Echatsum, Mystoph
on 2. October 2024, 14:50 by Mystoph
Ewig auf der Beobachtungsliste hatte ich heute grosse Freude an diesem hübschen Quickie! Danke.
on 4. May 2010, 23:59 by uvo
Falls es dich tröstet: Ich fands nicht so leicht :-)
on 4. May 2010, 13:01 by Eisbär
Nur eine Punkt?? Pfffffffffff....
Oke, es gibt schon viele gute Lösungen, so es muss einfach sein... :-( :-)
on 3. May 2010, 13:52 by CHalb
Ja genau. Du setzt einen einzigen Punkt (schwarz oder weiß) und erhältst dadurch ein eindeutig lösbares Masyu.
on 3. May 2010, 13:22 by Eisbär
Eh... es gibt einen Lösung mit nur einen weißen oder schwarzen Punkt??
on 15. April 2010, 15:24 by CHalb
Falls sich jemand fragt, was für ein Viech das Diagramm darstellt: Das ist - passend zur ID - eine Kas-Echs' ;).
on 14. April 2010, 17:50 by hopppe
Sehr schön!