Place the digits 1 to 9 in every row, column and 3x3 standard block. Two same numbers can not touch each other diagonally. Besides green painted connected (even diagonally) cells form renban groups. These groups must hold consecutive numbers, in any order.
Solution code: First enter the contents of row 5 and column 9, then give sum of the digits for each of 5 renban groups increasing in order.
on 15. August 2021, 23:07 by zhergan
Tags and labels revision..
on 26. May 2010, 20:30 by Saskia
Ich weiß ... das Wochenende ist schon lange her, aber da waren erst Nachtdienste ... und dann plötzlich sooo viele schöne andere Rätsel ... ;-)
on 25. March 2010, 06:45 by Saskia
HURRA - neue Renban Groups :-))) Da kann das Wochenende kommen!!!