Place the digits 1 to 9 in every row, column and 3x3 standard block. The numbers outside the grid are the sum of the digits in the corresponding row or column. While obtaining these sums, digits in white cells are counted as positive and digits in yellow cells are counted as negative. Besides shaded cells form renban groups. These groups must hold consecutive numbers, in any order.
Solution code: First enter the contents of row 4 and column 5, then give sum of the digits for each of 5 renban groups increasing in order.
on 17. March 2010, 12:15 by Statistica
I really enjoyed this puzzle. Very hard, but without T&E (only in mind) to solve. Thanks again. Five stars for both values!!! :-)
on 5. March 2010, 13:47 by Richard
That was a real tough nut to crack! I enjoyed the renban-series a lot. At the moment I am preparing a Renban-killer myself. Will be published next week! ;-)
@Richard: I'm glad you liked this one and other renban grouped puzzles. And it's nice to hear that you're preparing a killer including renban groups! I'm looking forward to see it :)
on 2. March 2010, 10:17 by sandmoppe
Da fehlen doch auf meinem Ausdruck die unteren Differenzen! Und ich wundere mich, dass ich so gar nicht weiterkomme. Na, dann will ich jetzt mal weitermachen.
on 2. March 2010, 09:15 by Luigi
pfffffffffffffffffff............... that was really hard!
on 28. February 2010, 05:16 by Javier Rebottaro
@zhergan: Superhard!I expect more puzzles! :-D