Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Geschenk für Richard: ein ABCDT-tje

(Published on 24. February 2010, 09:00 by Eisbär)

My best friend Richard celebrated his 40th birhtday yesterday. Because of that I made a special version of an "ABC-tje": it's called an "ABCDT-tje". DT stands for Dream Theater, the favorite rockband for both of us. The words mentioned below are some songs of Dream Theater.

All letters of the alphabet have a different value from 1 to 26. In the following words all letters occur, except for the Q. The numbers behind the words are the sum of the letters of that word. A question mark means the total sum of this word is unknown.

Solution code: The value of Q, followed by the sums of OCTAVARIUM and METROPOLIS.

Last changed on on 24. February 2010, 09:13

Solved by pin7guin, ibag, flooser, Richard, zuzanina, Luigi, saskia-daniela, Hansjo, Alex, geibthor, Mody, flaemmchen, Javier Rebottaro, Rollo, Toastbrot, ffricke, RobertBe, StefanSch, Le Ahcim, ManuH, ... deu, ildiko, AnnaTh, zhergan, Babsi, fratercula, MiR, ch1983, Joe Average, tuace, Joo M.Y, Zzzyxas, sandmoppe, gsabanci, Ragna, matter, Matt, EKBM, hirassy, RoliH, Lara Croft, Nick Smirnov, Sewerin
Full list


on 23. February 2024, 10:51 by Nick Smirnov
Happy birthday, Richard!

And finally Mike Portnoy is back.

Last changed on 12. October 2018, 21:33

on 12. October 2018, 21:33 by Eisbär
Danke Ragna! Vielleicht ist die Lösungscode ein bißchen zu lang... aber weil es einen speziellen Geschenk war... ich dachte damals es war OK :-D

on 26. September 2018, 02:17 by Ragna
Voll super!
Klasse Aufbau!
Lösungscode zu lang.
Hat viiiel Spaß gemacht.
Auch wenn das Rätsel 8 Jahre alt ist!

on 6. May 2012, 17:20 by AnnaTh
Finally ....

Last changed on 26. February 2010, 16:35

on 26. February 2010, 15:32 by geibthor
Gebe mich hiermit auch als Dreamtheater-Fan zu erkennen!
Zum Rätsel habe ich die "once upon a LIVEtime" eingelegt, da ging es wie von selbst ;-)

Nur schade, dass mein Favorit "A fortune in lies" in der Liste fehlt ;-)

@ geibthor: Am liebsten hatte ich auch noch einige andere Favoriten in der Liste... "Panic Attack" und "The spirit carries on"... doch dann war es zu einfach dachte ich :-)))

on 24. February 2010, 22:41 by Eisbär
Well... actually I gave it two stars because I think the "average" of the entire puzzle is two stars.

I'm aware of the very hard first part but I also know that after the first part it is rather easy to find the rest of the values...

But.. it is solvable in a logic way according to the five puzzlers who already did find the correct answer!
Good luck to you all...

Arvid a.k.a. Eisbär

on 24. February 2010, 14:55 by Richard
Well, the two stars are correct. If you have already found the first 22 letters... :-)))

on 24. February 2010, 14:49 by Realshaggy
Tried it during lunch break because it had only two stars. But I'm totally stuck...

on 24. February 2010, 14:45 by Richard
That was a heavy puzzle! Very nice logic built up. I wonder how hard an ABC'tje can get. This will be about the limit...

on 24. February 2010, 14:36 by ibag
Sehr schönes Rätsel!

on 24. February 2010, 11:36 by Realshaggy
Ich wußte, der Titel kommt mir bekannt vor :-)

on 24. February 2010, 11:30 by Eisbär
Eine kleine "Korrektur":
Eigentlich ist der Song "Stargazer" nicht einen originalen DT-Song, sondern einen Song von alten Rockers Rainbow. DT hatte der Cover-Version gespielt auf das letzten Album "Black Clouds and Silver Linings".

Ich brauchte nur einen Song mit einen "Z" drinnen :-)))

Last changed on 24. February 2010, 11:24

on 24. February 2010, 10:46 by Richard
Thanks a lot Arvid!
I became a 'silent man' myself for a while..

@ Richard: You're welcome! I'm not silent: at this moment inside me there is some degree of inner turbulence :-D

Rating:88 %
Solved:53 times
Observed:6 times

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