Place the digits 1 to 9 in every row, column and 3x3 standard block. Cells connected with a chess-knight move could not contain same digits. Besides green painted cells form renban groups. These groups must hold consecutive digits, in any order.
Solution code: First enter the contents of row 5 and column 5, then give sum of the digits for each of 5 renban groups increasing in order.
on 15. August 2021, 23:02 by zhergan
Tags and labels revision..
on 18. February 2011, 10:03 by MagicMichi
600! Und eines der schönsten Rätsel für mein persönliches Jubiläum!
on 13. April 2010, 10:28 by Realshaggy
One of my favorites in the Renban-series. Didn't want to use T&E and it isn't needed at all. But sometimes I needed a lot of time to find the next number. Antiknight is a very interesting concept, because you have so many (sometimes very hard to track) possibilities for blocking regions.
on 20. February 2010, 10:51 by Luigi
Mir ging genau so. Ich habe mir den Luxus erlaubt, ein paar Tage Skifahren zu gehen und da war sie die Renbanwelle; da war für Richards Freitagsrätsel einfach kaum noch Platz.
Doch auch von mir: Vielen Dank für die durchweg schönen und anspruchsvollen Rätselvarianten! ;-)
on 19. February 2010, 18:47 by flaemmchen
Ich möchte mich einfach mal für diese tolle Renban-Serie bedanken ... Danke zhergan!!
Aber jetzt habe ich keine Zeit mehr für Richard's Freitag-Rätsel ... was für ein Stress ;-)))
on 19. February 2010, 11:59 by Alex
Phew! Think I went through this one about 5 times, seemed more logical towards the end of all that though:D Nice puzzles!