Name gesucht
(Published on 12. February 2010, 18:07 by hdhinz)
The terms SUDOKU and TETROMINO, firm sizes in the world of puzzle. Now looking for: the name for this new variant of the puzzle form, consisting of the basic rules of Sudoku with the involvement of Tetromino - forms.
Let's try it in this diagram with the help of the theory of colors.
Documents first the colored marked fields with the respective predetermined points, Red = K, Green = R etc. Then loosen according to the rules of Sudoku puzzles: Every row, column and 3x3 selected areas will each letter only once.
Solution code: row 6, column 9
Solved by skywalker, Luigi, logik66, Lohnecke, Saskia, Alex, flaemmchen, Le Ahcim, RobertBe, pin7guin, sternchen, Thomster, mango, saskia-daniela, hopppe, Javier Rebottaro, Richard, Mody, Hansjo, Giselher, ... ropeko, athin, SKORP17, Raistlen, Zenryo, CJK, Uhu, Liz, nmk1218, abadx, losingreallybadly, ParaNox, Onyx, Dez256, Incurrsion, yusuf17, Terrapin, jgarber, Drawoon, NEWS, Supertaster, Uattanscethe09
on 2. July 2024, 14:49 by Drawoon
on 18. July 2023, 07:01 by uvo_mod
Added Sudoku tag.
on 15. February 2010, 14:34 by Rollo
Wo sind denn M und N geblieben? :-(