Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Even not diagonally: Kropki-Kakuro

(Published on 29. January 2010, 21:31 by CHalb)

Fill the white cells of the diagram with numbers from 1 to 9 and the yellow cells with any numbers to match the following conditions:

In the white area is the rule applied "even not even diagonally", so even numbers may not touch each other, not even diagonally. (This pun doesn't work in german ;-) .)

In the three white 3x3-squares each number from 1 to 9 appears exactly once. To make this clearer, in the following small diagram these three 3x3-G4te (a pun with the german word "Geviert" which means "square" and the ID of this puzzle) are marked green, blue and red:

Kropki (normal rules)

Black dots: One of the adjacent numbers has twice the value of the other one.

White dots: One of the adjacent numbers is by one larger than the other one.

If no dot between two numbers is given, none of the two relations is correct.

Kakuro (normal rule)

Yellow cells are Kakuro-descriptions and give the sum of the numbers in the white cells below or right of it.

In one sum no number may appear twice.

Solution code: The numbers from the upper 3x3-Square (in the small diagram green) row by row from top to bottom.

Last changed on on 1. February 2010, 10:21

Solved by saskia-daniela, akodi, zhergan, StefanSch, hopppe, Giselher, Alex, Luigi, geibthor, Mody, pin7guin, Hansjo, pokerke, Thomster, joyal, Annie, Le Ahcim, ibag, sandmoppe, derwolf23, sternchen, Saskia, ... relzzup, matter, pirx, moss, marcmees, Joe Average, Joo M.Y, KlausRG, ildiko, tuace, verflixt, Matt, bob, skywalker, Julianl, sf2l, Dandelo, amitsowani, misko, Krokant, helle, Raistlen, CJK, L-M
Full list


Last changed on 2. December 2019, 10:46

on 2. December 2019, 10:44 by Joe Average
The rule about even numbers not touching only applies to the white area.

Otherwise, some of your sums in the yellow boxes were incorrect. 6+7+8 is 21, not 24, and 5+9+7 would be 21 instead of 22.

on 2. December 2019, 10:39 by Uhu
@sf2l: I think, you missed the rule 'even not even diagonally' - even numbers may not touch each other, not even diagonally.

on 24. September 2010, 23:14 by fratercula
Wow, wunderschöne Idee! Vielleicht gibt es ja bald mal wieder eines?

on 2. February 2010, 18:04 by miez
Toll! Bitte mehr!

on 30. January 2010, 19:27 by CHalb
Die Basisidee für den Namen des Rätsels kam mir bei der Forumlektüre zum Thema Ex-Denkzettel. Erst danach hab ich ein Rätsel gesucht, wo das hineinpasst. Vielleicht fühlt sich nun jemand inspiriert zu weiteren "even not diagonally"-Varianten.

Last changed on 30. January 2010, 17:56

on 30. January 2010, 15:40 by ibag
Wenn man die namensgebende Regel vergisst gibt's 'ne Menge Möglichkeiten. ;-D Schönes Rätsel!

on 30. January 2010, 10:44 by Mody
Klein, aber sehr fein :)

on 30. January 2010, 07:24 by Alex
Kann ich mich nur anschliessen. Hat gefallen!

on 30. January 2010, 00:29 by hopppe
Sehr schön komponiert!

on 30. January 2010, 00:14 by zhergan
Nice concept! Thanks:)

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