The 91 domino pieces from 0-0 to 12-12 have been arranged to form a rectangle with size 13x14; after that the borderlines between the pieces have been removed. Reconstruct the missing lines so that every domino piece exists exactly once in the diagram.
Solution code: Give the orientation of the 13 domino pieces containing same numbers starting with 0-0 and ending with 12-12. Use H for horizontally oriented pieces and V for vertically oriented pieces.
on 13. March 2010, 15:58 by hopppe
Tolles Rätsel! Ich warte auf Domino120:-)
on 12. January 2010, 16:03 by Mody
Very nice and solvable without "T and E" :)
on 11. January 2010, 13:34 by Realshaggy
It's as nice as a Domino-puzzle can get...
on 11. January 2010, 13:04 by Alex
yes, that was actually pretty nice, after attacking it with a bit more system (i.e. having at least a table to strike out the used dominos):D
on 11. January 2010, 09:01 by Luigi
@zhergan: This Domino puzzle was really nice. Thank you!
on 10. January 2010, 20:51 by Le Ahcim
on 10. January 2010, 17:14 by zhergan
I can say that it just passed with an OK from me and other three test solvers (my wife and two friends of us) to whom I would like to thank for their patience:) We all came up with the same solution. I also tried other arrangements which resulted contradictions later.
on 10. January 2010, 16:52 by Luigi
... Selbstzensur ...