Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Kleines Domino mit Löchern

(Published on 7. January 2010, 15:30 by pin7guin)

Regular domino pieces. Some digits are missing. I am sure you will find them.

Solution code: First the missing digits row by row from left to right, top to bottom. Then for each row the number of horizontal domino pieces, from top to bottom.

Last changed on on 7. January 2010, 17:27

Solved by Luigi, logik66, swotty, Laje6, Realshaggy, asobix, Mody, joyal, pwahs, sternchen, saskia-daniela, Eisbär, sf2l, Rollie, Giselher, Klärchen, Alex, Lilakatze, Toastbrot, Le Ahcim, ffricke, hopppe, ... Ours brun, CJK, Dugong, jogerth, Autuumn, Liz, nmk1218, Jordan Timm, Hydalin, patolucatis, abadx, SenorGrasabolso, september, Incurrsion, Terrapin, yusuf17, k2u5as, koiking, Drawoon, bereolosp
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on 3. July 2024, 16:09 by Drawoon
penpa+: https://tinyurl.com/26at8nmm

on 8. January 2010, 10:33 by RobertBe
Very nice, I was also working on a variant series similar to this, and applying that to e.g. flats, killer sudoku etc. I think I will call that Serial Killer :)

on 7. January 2010, 17:28 by pin7guin
Danke, Philipp, ich hab's geändert.

on 7. January 2010, 16:54 by pwahs
Eine schöne Idee!

Kleiner Hinweis zum Lösungscode: Die fehlenden Zahlen sollen zeilenweise eingetragen werden, also anders rum als im Lösungscode beschrieben. ("von links nach rechts, oben nach unten" würde heißen erst die Zahl ganz links, und wenn zwei Zahlen in der gleichen Spalte stehen nimmt man die obere zuerst.)

Rating:80 %
Solved:218 times
Observed:8 times

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