(Published on 1. December 2009, 16:54 by RobertBe)
Enter tents into some of the fields, that every tree belongs to exactly one tent, that is located horizontally or vertically adjacent. Tents do not touch each other, not even diagonally. The numbers at the borders give the number of tents in that row or column.
This is a puzzle I created for the newsletter of my department.
Solution code: The 5th row, followed by the 5th column. B for Tree, Z for Tent, '-' for empty fields.
Solved by Statistica, Eisbär, pwahs, pin7guin, Laje6, swotty, Mitchsa, Toastbrot, lupo, ibag, Alex, hopppe, Luigi, saskia-daniela, flaemmchen, Carambu, pokerke, janne, SilBer, Oskama, Languste, CHalb, mango, ... Liz, nmk1218, helle, Hydalin, patolucatis, abadx, SenorGrasabolso, Jordan Timm, Terrapin, september, Eierkopp121, Arne, Incurrsion, yusuf17, k2u5as, koiking, Drawoon, hirassy, DK_48, PaganiusI
on 30. June 2024, 18:01 by Drawoon
penpa+: https://tinyurl.com/2lefjk9m
on 21. February 2011, 19:28 by Kekes
Juhu damit habe ich die ersten 100 geschafft !!
on 6. December 2009, 03:24 by Calavera
Apparently entering the solution was the hardest for me ;-).
on 1. December 2009, 17:01 by Eisbär
War da doch jemand schneller wie ich... :-)))
on 1. December 2009, 17:00 by Statistica
Also immer wenn ich heute mal ins Portal schaue ist was Neues drin ;-) Klasse.