Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mannlzeug: Schwibknoten

(Published on 1. December 2009, 05:00 by Pyrrhon)

The Christmas arches (Schwibbogen) are ubiquitous in the Erzgebirge as a symbol of light in the Christmas time. They shone for the miners if they left the mines. Light was very important for the miners because they entered the mines during the winter season before sunup and came back after sundown. From the first Advent weekend right up to February, there are very many windows in the Erzgebirge with Christmas Arches. Our shows one of the most popular motifs. We see various symbols in addition to two miners, a toy maker, a child and a woman bobbin lace maker. We also find Christmas decorations, a light angel and an Erzgebirgian candlelight spider.

Let's come to the puzzle now:

Place the letters A, B, C and D in the grid so that precisely in each framed area each letter occurs once. In addition there is none set of four cells anywhere in the grid that is connected horizontally or vertically (corners are just as welcome as a line or a square) and has the sequence ABCD. Horizontally or vertically neighbored cells must be different.

Solution code: The first and the fourth row from left to right.

Last changed on on 1. December 2009, 22:00

Solved by pokerke, Luigi, berni, Statistica, cornuto, geibthor, lupo, flaemmchen, ibag, Laje6, saskia-daniela, lolo, Mody, swotty, Toastbrot, Mitchsa, Eisbär, pwahs, Carambu, hopppe, CHalb, janne, Richard, ... tuace, Babsi, Zzzyxas, RALehrer, ildiko, sf2l, moss, Joe Average, Matt, marsigel, jessica6, KlausRG, Carolin, kopfball, skywalker, Uhu, Julianl, adam001, NikolaZ, amitsowani, Dotty, Raistlen, helle
Full list


on 1. December 2009, 20:28 by Richard
Also a nice idea!

Last changed on 1. December 2009, 14:11

on 1. December 2009, 14:10 by pin7guin
Dürfen sich eigentlich gleiche Buchstaben orthogonal berühren?

Habe es gerade nach dem Absenden gelesen. :-) (In meinem Ausdruck von heute Vormittag steht es nämlich noch nicht drin...)

on 1. December 2009, 13:29 by Pyrrhon
Oben auf die deutsche Fahne klicken.

on 1. December 2009, 13:19 by Hansjo
Kann mir vielleicht jemand diese Aufgabe in Deutsch erklären.Ich komme leider mit dem Englischen hier nicht gut klar.

on 1. December 2009, 12:37 by Luigi
Lösungscode wurde korrigiert!

on 1. December 2009, 11:51 by Pyrrhon

ich habe das Rätsel korrigiert. Das B rechts unten ist hinzugekommen. Mit dieser Korrektur funktioniert Deine Lösung nicht mehr. Vorher war das Rätsel leider nicht eindeutig. Ich hatte einen Knoten beim Erstellen.

Rating:81 %
Solved:108 times
Observed:7 times

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