Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mannlzeug: Einer oder Alle

(Published on 8. December 2009, 05:00 by Pyrrhon)

One or All

Today give us the Nutcracker a one-or-all-puzzle for nut-cracking:

Fill the grid with the letters A, B and C. The letters in bold framed areas must have either all the same or all different letters. Neighboring cells that are in different boxes must be different (diagonal equal letters are allowed).

Solution code: The fifth row from left to right and the fifth column from top to bottom.

Last changed on on 8. December 2009, 06:56

Solved by saskia-daniela, Realshaggy, Menxar, Luigi, Alex, logik66, ibag, berni, derwolf23, pokerke, Carambu, Rollie, flooser, Statistica, sternchen, geibthor, annusia, mango, swotty, flaemmchen, SilBer, ... athin, rcg, Rotstein, drolli38, Dotty, ropeko, Raistlen, Darkgrumly, TwoFx, CJK, Dugong, jogerth, admirableostrich, nmk1218, Drawoon, Hydalin, abadx, Jordan Timm, Onyx, yusuf17, Sunn, kipcool
Full list


Last changed on 8. December 2009, 06:57

on 8. December 2009, 06:51 by Pyrrhon
Sorry, ein Fehler beim Eintippen des Lösungscodes. Sollte jetzt stimmen.

Rating:80 %
Solved:181 times
Observed:5 times

Standard puzzle Beginners Filling puzzle

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