Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Das Rätselportal 3: Rätsellöser

(Published on 20. November 2009, 12:00 by Richard)

No puzzleportal without puzzle authors, puzzles and puzzle solvers. Therefor I have made three puzzles to the honour of the portal. The theme of the third puzzle is puzzle solvers.

Puzzle solvers

Place all given names of puzzle solvers horizontally or vertically in the grid in the reading direction OR backwards. The names may not touch each other, not even diagonally. The numbers outside the grid tell how many letters can be found in that row or column. Letters cannot repeat in a row or column.

Solve online in Penpa+ (thx Nick Smirnov!)

Solution code: The first letters of every name in the grid that you come across if you read it from left to right, top to bottom.

Last changed on on 15. October 2022, 06:47

Solved by ibag, Danielle, geibthor, RobertBe, Luigi, zuzanina, akodi, Statistica, Carambu, Alex, saskia-daniela, Maulef, HaSe, Thomster, Hansjo, pwahs, pin7guin, Mody, leu, CHalb, pokerke, sternchen, ... Joe Average, moss, Matt, tuace, bismarck, bob, skywalker, misko, adam001, NikolaZ, EKBM, Dugong, hirassy, Nick Smirnov, helle, Mark Sweep, Krokant, damasosos92, Eierkopp121, goodcity, CJK, Echatsum
Full list


on 15. October 2022, 06:52 by Richard
Funny to see that after 13 years, most of the puzzle solvers in this puzzle are still (very) active in the portal...

on 15. October 2022, 06:47 by Richard
Added link and tag for online solving. Thx Nick!

on 2. September 2022, 14:09 by Nick Smirnov

on 2. January 2010, 13:09 by ibag
Ist bei mir lange her ... aber ich glaube, der "Anfangsbuchstabe" kann halt auch der Endbuchstabe sein, falls der Name rückwärts geschrieben ist.

on 2. January 2010, 12:58 by MagicMichi
Ich denke, ich habe das Rätsel gelöst, aber könnte mal einer deutlich machen, wie man zum Lösungscode kommt?

on 23. November 2009, 14:11 by miez
Supii! Ich bin dabei!

on 21. November 2009, 20:41 by Javier Rebottaro
@ richard: very good puzzles but ... never used my name!!!:-((

on 20. November 2009, 21:11 by Maulef
Ein Rätsel in dem ich auch vorkomme musste ich natürlich gleich angehen, war auch nicht zu schwierig, aber rauszufinden wie man den Lösungcode abliest, hat dann doch noch ein paar Versuche gebraucht.

on 20. November 2009, 15:49 by Alex
yay! I'm in a puzzle :D

Last changed on 20. November 2009, 13:53

on 20. November 2009, 13:46 by RobertBe
Hmm, it looks like I must have my eyes checked for such an error to be made ...

Rating:79 %
Solved:106 times
Observed:11 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool

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