Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pentomino Loop

(Published on 28. October 2009, 11:41 by Richard)

Place the 12 different Pentominos in the grid in a way that they form a single closed loop that doesn't touch or cross itself, according to the following rules:

- Two neighboring Pentominos touch each other exactly at one side of one cell.

- Pentominos may never touch each other diagonally.

- The given Pentominos may be rotated and/ or mirrored.

- The digits in the cells indicate the number of sides of that cells that are used by Pentominos.

Beispiel für eine lösung:


Solution code: The names of the placed pentominos in the loop, clockwise, starting in the upper left corner. (For the example: PZYFVITULWNX)

Last changed on on 9. August 2010, 07:38

Solved by Luigi, pin7guin, ibag, Statistica, berni, Alex, Toastbrot, saskia-daniela, Thomster, zuzanina, sandmoppe, flaemmchen, hopppe, Le Ahcim, HaSe, r45, AnnaTh, Mody, RobertBe, Javier Rebottaro, Calavera, ... tuace, bismarck, Danielle, Matt, cdwg2000, misko, FzFeather, NikolaZ, EKBM, ymhsbmbesitwf, Nick Smirnov, h5663454, Mark Sweep, Krokant, damasosos92, dumediat, zzw, CJK, kays, Calesch, Echatsum
Full list


on 5. January 2024, 15:51 by damasosos92
Very cool puzzle! Loved it!

on 5. October 2022, 03:47 by h5663454
puzzlink link:

on 16. June 2022, 06:18 by Nick Smirnov

Last changed on 24. August 2010, 14:29

on 24. August 2010, 14:28 by Realshaggy
Nice puzzle, even if I dont like Pentominos that much. But the "big brother" seems to be too hard for me.

on 30. October 2009, 09:19 by AnnaTh
Nice diversion after the never ending sudoku practice for
the DSM. Gerne mehr!

Last changed on 29. October 2009, 11:49

on 29. October 2009, 11:48 by sandmoppe
It was very hard to throw normal Loop-Solving-Strategies out of my mind. I like such puzzles very much.

on 28. October 2009, 17:05 by Alex
definitely more tricky than those which couldn't touch, enjoyed that!

on 28. October 2009, 15:27 by Statistica
THX for that, but you have also used the 'Z' in the example. I think It's clear enough (if you are able to read instructions until the end...)

Last changed on 28. October 2009, 14:53

on 28. October 2009, 14:52 by Richard
A little bit too late for Statistica, but I have added the names of the Pentominos. Handy to have the old images still available...

on 28. October 2009, 14:43 by Statistica
Klasse, hübsche 'Fallen' :-). Und wenn man dann natürlich bei der Eingabe immer wieder 'S' statt 'Z' schreibt, braucht man auch richtig lange für die Eingabe und die 'Fehlersuche' :-(

on 28. October 2009, 13:32 by ibag
Sonst mag ich Pentominos nicht besonders, aber dieses ist sehr schön!

Last changed on 28. October 2009, 14:10

on 28. October 2009, 13:23 by Richard
Thanks to Philipp a few grammar mistakes are corrected. That's what you get if you don't ask help for the translation. ;-)

on 28. October 2009, 13:17 by pin7guin
Immerhin mal wieder Zweite... Danke, Richard. I like your puzzles - even with pentominoes ;-)

Rating:93 %
Solved:87 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle combination Pentominoes

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