Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Jigsaw Kropki 3

(Published on 29. September 2009, 06:38 by Richard)

Place the digits from 1 to 9 in every row, column, boldly outlined irregular area and in the grey cells.

A black dot means that one of the neighboring digits has the double value of the other digit.

A white dot means that the difference of the neighboring digits is exactly one.

If there is no dot between two cells none of the constrains is valid.

Solve online in Penpa+ (thx Nick Smirnov!)

Solution code: Column 5, followed by row 8.

Last changed on on 20. November 2022, 06:45

Solved by matter, Bröselito, Le Ahcim, Luigi, Laje6, pin7guin, Statistica, Mody, saskia-daniela, cornuto, sojaboon, uvo, joyal, CHalb, Calavera, Hansjo, sf2l, Pyrrhon, Saskia, flaemmchen, StefanSch, zuzanina, ... Danielle, bismarck, mango, Julianl, adam001, Rollo, rcg, misko, karen_birgitta, cdwg2000, NikolaZ, EKBM, CJK, SKORP17, Nick Smirnov, sinchai4547, Crul, Krokant, damasosos92, Greg, jalebc, Bobbobert
Full list


on 20. November 2022, 06:45 by Richard
Added tag and link for online solving.
Thx Nick!

on 10. November 2022, 03:22 by Nick Smirnov

on 9. October 2009, 12:06 by Eisbär
Pffffffffffff... es hatte ein wenig zu lange gedauert, aber... gelöst!! Fand es sehr schwierig, Jigsaw 4 war einfacher :-)
Bin sehr froh das diese Lösung meinen 100-sten korrekt gelöste Rätsel war! Danke Richard!!

on 5. October 2009, 15:38 by CHalb
Richard, du hast immer wieder gute Ideen für die Formen der Gebiete. Die vier Kreuze sind schick.

on 29. September 2009, 16:30 by Mody
Wie immer: ein wunderschönes Richard-Sudoku :)

on 29. September 2009, 14:51 by pin7guin
Ich LIEBE Kropkis! Bitte mehr davon. :-) Vielen Dank, Richard. Und auch von mir: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur 300!

on 29. September 2009, 09:32 by berni
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 300sten Rätsel im Portal! :-)

Rating:92 %
Solved:117 times
Observed:21 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool

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