Heyawake 1
(Published on 24. October 2009, 18:52 by pwahs)
Blacken out some of the field in the diagram so that no two black fields touch it other horizontally or vertically and alle white fields are connected (that is, the black fields do not depart the puzzle in two or more parts). Additionally no horizontally or vertically sequence of white field may pass through more than two areas.
Solution code: Number of black cells per line, from top to bottom
Last changed on on 2. November 2009, 14:38
Solved by saskia-daniela, Thomster, Javier Rebottaro, Senor Dingdong, Carambu, Alex, berni, Luigi, Rollo, joyal, pin7guin, RobertBe, jirk, janne, flooser, hopppe, Statistica, Mody, Realshaggy, zuzanina, ... Matt, tuace, marsigel, bob, marcmees, zhuyunxuan, amitsowani, Krokant, cdwg2000, Julianl, athin, Greg, misko, rcg, Max Euwe, CJK, Mark Sweep, Kaysy, Raistlen, Ssikaijeo, Eierkopp121, Tyrgannus
on 19. March 2021, 23:25 by BMEP
puzz.link: https://puzz.link/p?heyawake/6/6/csogddrjrvvgs
on 24. October 2009, 20:22 by pwahs
Ja, das kommt davon, wenn man einfach eine Anleitung kopiert ^^
on 24. October 2009, 19:58 by flaemmchen
Welche Zahlen?