Solution code: Die Anzahl der Schiffe pro Zeile, zeilenweise von oben nach unten.
on 11. November 2021, 16:12 by uvo_mod
Label ergänzt.
on 17. July 2021, 13:44 by Dugong
@uvo : Thank you very much, that resolved it.
on 2. July 2021, 13:24 by uvo
Actually, it is: For each row from top to bottom, the number of ships that have at least one element in that row.
on 2. July 2021, 12:54 by Dugong
Sadly it's none of these.
on 29. June 2021, 15:45 by CHalb
Don't remember the solution code. For each row maybe:
the number of ship elements or
the number of ships with at least one element in the row or
the number of ships that are completely in the row
on 29. June 2021, 14:51 by Dugong
I don't understand the description of the solution code. Can someone write a more accurate description?
Ich verstehe die Anweisung zum Lösungscode nicht. Kann jemand präzisieren?
on 23. September 2009, 20:20 by flaemmchen
Zählen für den Lösungscode nur die Schiffe, die in der waagerechten liegen, bzw. die 1er?
Edit: Hat sich erledigt :)
on 23. September 2009, 18:39 by CHalb
Die Anleitung passt noch nicht zum Rätsel ;).