Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Banking ABCtje

(Published on 17. August 2009, 12:12 by RobertBe)

Ordnen Sie allen Buchstaben des Alphabets einen unterschiedlichen Wert von 1 bis 26 zu. In den nachfolgenden Namen kommen, mit Ausnahme des Q, alle Buchstaben des Alphabets vor. Die Zahlen hinter den Namen geben die Summe aller den Buchstaben des Namens zugeordneten Zahlen an.

I created this puzzle for the newsletter of the department I worked for. It contains the names of the managers of the departments that received the newsletter. For the newsletter I added several names to make the puzzle easier.

ING Bank59, 56
Nationale Nederlanden98, 130
NWE Bank34, 56
Desiree Sormani73, 96
Alfred Kroes72, 74
Daan Dijkhuizen47, 149
Sabine Doets71, 57
Teddy van der Laan45, 49, 32, 43
Christophe Delvaux125, 89
Brian van Daal61, 49, 42
Peter Kuijpers26, 103
Eelco Stoelinga60, 117
David Rasson83, 92

Solution code: The value of Q, followed by the values of the letters of BANKING.

Last changed on on 30. October 2009, 15:20

Solved by Luigi, uvo, saskia-daniela, PRW, Matt, r45, geibthor, Laje6, Realshaggy, pwahs, Hansjo, Le Ahcim, bergelfe, joyal, mango, matter, StefanSch, zuzanina, Barbara, nicole1303, annusia, SilBer, ffricke, ... zhergan, MiR, RoliH, fratercula, relzzup, moss, ch1983, lutzreimer, Joe Average, tuace, Zzzyxas, Joo M.Y, Carolin, Ragna, Karla Geist, NikolaZ, CJK, hirassy, Lara Croft, Nick Smirnov, geronimo92
Full list


on 11. November 2009, 12:20 by Statistica
Endlich mal Zeit gehabt :-). Aber dann am Schluss zwei Mal mit dem Kopf an die gleiche Wand gerannt :-(

on 21. August 2009, 18:00 by Mody
Sehr schönes ABC-Tje, das sich entspannt lösen ließ :)

on 17. August 2009, 22:55 by Realshaggy
Since I know what to do, I like them very much. I even found some tricks not mentioned in the forum yet, I will add them to the list.

on 17. August 2009, 14:54 by RobertBe
I had this tested and that person had some trouble finding the first number. Anyway, it just is an estimation from me. The real difficulty will be set by all of you :)

on 17. August 2009, 14:36 by saskia-daniela
Ging flüssig durch, ganz ohne Fallunterscheidung - nicht wirklich 4 Sterne, oder? Aber auf jeden Fall sehr schön!

Rating:84 %
Solved:87 times
Observed:5 times

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