Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Runder Rundweg 4

(Published on 8. August 2009, 17:26 by pwahs)

Draw a closed loop which consists only of circle quaters. Starting and end point of each circle quater must lay on a tile corner. The arcs may not cross the stripped lines (or go through other lattice points than their endpoints) and the endpoints have to be in the same row or column (so the arcs in Calaveras "Noch ein runder Rundweg" are not allowed). The numbers inside the tiles indicate the number of arcs in those tiles. The loop may not touch or cross itself anywhere.

Solution code: the size of the areas (number of tile centers) outside of the loop, increasingly sorted

Last changed on on 2. November 2009, 14:56

Solved by Calavera, lupo, Alex, Realshaggy, SilBer, pin7guin, Luigi, ibag, RobertBe, saskia-daniela, uvo, mikaso, Le Ahcim, Richard, Statistica, matter, jirk, pokerke, flaemmchen, Javier Rebottaro, martin1456, derwolf23, ffricke, akodi, rimodech, relzzup, rob, MiR, zorant, sandmoppe, usp, Krokofant, ch1983, moss, dm_litv, Zzzyxas, ildiko, sf2l, bob, CJK, polar, EKBM
Full list


on 8. March 2023, 14:56 by polar
Fantastically clever puzzle. Very fun to solve, thanks!

on 5. September 2021, 00:02 by uvo_mod
Label "Wegerätsel" entfernt.

on 30. July 2018, 23:07 by sf2l
it took me only 9 years but eventually I got it. Superb puzzle!

on 9. November 2015, 16:57 by dm_litv

on 8. December 2009, 12:32 by flaemmchen
Der Zeitaufwand für dieses Rätsel hat sich wirklich gelohnt!! Ganz, ganz toll ... und endlich kann ich die vielen interessanten Kommentare lesen ;-))

Last changed on 27. August 2009, 14:09

on 27. August 2009, 14:09 by Le Ahcim
Ich bin echt beeindruckt =D

@MagicMichi: Die Eindeutigkeit kann ich nur bestätigen.

on 23. August 2009, 13:33 by MagicMichi
Das Rätsel ist eindeutig lösbar, oder?

on 12. August 2009, 15:12 by pwahs
The English instruction was slightly modified. "The loop may not touch or cross itself anywhere." was missing. Thanks to RobertBe.

on 10. August 2009, 17:20 by ibag
Tolles Rätsel! Danke!

on 10. August 2009, 01:51 by pin7guin
Einfach klasse!

on 9. August 2009, 20:54 by SilBer
Sehr cooles Rätsel!!!

Last changed on 9. August 2009, 20:46

on 9. August 2009, 20:35 by Luigi

on 9. August 2009, 16:46 by Alex
Super!!! Schon wieder so ein ganz toller Einfall fuer einen Rundweg. Hat viel Spass gemacht, auch wenn es einiges an Radierer gekostet hat.

on 9. August 2009, 12:33 by pwahs
@Alex: Was in den Regeln nicht verboten ist, ist erlaubt ;-)

on 8. August 2009, 18:59 by Calavera

on 8. August 2009, 17:38 by pwahs
Ich hab mich bei dem Rätsel nicht vertippt ;)

Rating:95 %
Solved:42 times
Observed:8 times

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