Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 30. July 2009, 17:16 by Calavera)

Draw a loop into the diagram which uses the edges of the tiles. The numbers in the tile indicate how many edges of the tile are used by the loop. The circles in the diagram follow the Masyu-rules: An empty circle must be passed straight by the loop which then has to bent in at least one of the neighbouring corners. A full circle must also be used by the loop which has to bent here. In both directions the loop has to pass the next corner straight. As usual the loop must not cross or touch itself.

Solution code: The sizes of the areas outside the loop in ascending order.

Last changed on on 2. November 2009, 15:19

Solved by KitKat, pwahs, r45, mathezwerg, Realshaggy, saskia-daniela, Maulef, Luigi, Thomster, jirk, AndreasS, Barbara, pin7guin, joyal, ibag, lupo, mango, flaemmchen, annusia, Laje6, ffricke, derwolf23, ... Hydalin, SenorGrasabolso, Echatsum, Terrapin, september, likeagrapefruit, starelev5, Christounet, Lizzy01, dumediat, KNT, ChampionAsh5357, koiking, jsxft, JustinTucker, rätselnmachtspass
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on 16. September 2023, 19:31 by Christounet
Super fun ! Loved the combo. Thanks.

on 2. September 2021, 13:09 by uvo_mod
Label "Wegerätsel" entfernt.

on 14. December 2019, 14:44 by Lucx
Tolle Kombi!

on 30. November 2010, 22:32 by Oliver Strauß
Puhh, vier Anläufe und auf einmal geht's rund.

on 2. August 2009, 03:41 by yureklis
Wonderful combination! Maybe we can say like this: Calavera, you are the master of rundweg variations:)

Thanks for puzzle

on 1. August 2009, 17:40 by cornuto
tolle Idee.

on 31. July 2009, 18:55 by geibthor
ich finde es gerade schön, weil es nicht so komplex ist ;-)

on 30. July 2009, 18:16 by Realshaggy
Sehr schöne Kombination, auch wenn die entstehenden Rundwege nur mittelmäßig komplex sein werden, die Masyu-Punkte lassen einfach zu wenig "Schlenker" zu.

on 30. July 2009, 18:05 by r45
Schöne Kombination, jetzt eindeutig und passend zum heutigen Ü-Rätsel.

Danke, hat viel Spaß gemacht.

Last changed on 30. July 2009, 17:54

on 30. July 2009, 17:46 by Calavera
Jetzt ist es hoffentlich eindeutig. Danke pwahs für den Hinweis.

Rating:91 %
Solved:256 times
Observed:6 times

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