Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

IMO 2009 - Sudokuralley, (1) Buchstabensalat

(Published on 24. July 2009, 16:04 by pwahs)

To the main puzzle

Enter the letters E, I, N and R into the diagram, so that in every row and every column every letter occurs exactly once and one field remains empty. The letters at the borders indicate the letter that comes first in the corresponding row or column.

Solution code: The first column, - for an empty cell

Last changed on on 2. November 2009, 14:50

Solved by pin7guin, Nothere, ffricke, Menxar, CHalb, RobertBe, flaemmchen, Statistica, r45, Luigi, Maulef, Realshaggy, PRW, nicole1303, ibag, UrRa, tubaner, SilBer, jirk, Le Ahcim, joyal, lutzreimer, annusia, ... ChampionAsh5357, koiking, Nadav, blacia, Neb, Enterprize1, GutsySandwich, puzzler05, Gotroch, ArmagedDan, Eierkopp121, permafrostyx, DiMono, arangues, renegade_duck, jgarber, kipcool
Full list


on 11. January 2023, 04:13 by TJReds
penpa link: https://tinyurl.com/2qe8agok
(with answer check)

on 29. January 2022, 17:52 by jiayo48
Link to play on penpa: https://tinyurl.com/4euabrn7

Rating:73 %
Solved:409 times
Observed:5 times

Standard puzzle

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