Solution code: The digits in the yellow cells, row by row from top to bottom.
on 11. November 2023, 22:03 by damasosos92
Really really hard in the middle part, but very satisfying!
on 27. June 2023, 19:01 by DiMono
There is a lot of really nice logic in this puzzle. I especially enjoyed how the remainder logic worked out in the columns. Very nice.
on 23. May 2022, 12:01 by Nick Smirnov
on 13. May 2022, 21:12 by Baktru
F-Puzzle link
on 15. August 2021, 13:36 by uvo_mod
Irregular-Label ergänzt.
on 19. August 2012, 14:47 by Doczahni
Oh mein Gott, ich habs doch noch gelöst - für mich war es echt ne sehr harte Nuss.
on 28. May 2012, 07:49 by Oliver Strauß
Richard, Thank you for this tricky puzzle. I like it very much.
on 3. January 2009, 15:12 by jolletaut
ist sehr gut zu knacken. Schwierigkeit meiner Meinung nach eher 3,5. Aber prima Rätsel.
on 23. November 2008, 22:09 by cornuto
Richard, das war aber eine ziemlich harte Nuss. Vielen Dank dafür.
on 17. November 2008, 12:35 by AnnaTh
As Hns would say: a real "uitdager".
on 14. November 2008, 10:26 by Statistica
Very nice, very hard. I liked it :-). Tahanks to Richard.
on 5. November 2008, 18:08 by r45
A very difficult one, but I love it. Thank you Richard