All rules are 'standard', though the Sky Scraper line is quite rare so I'll repeat them anyway:
Parity line (R1C1 to R1C9): Neigbouring digits on a red parity line may not have the same parity.
German Whispers (R1C1 to R9C9): On a light green German Whispers line neighbouring digits have a difference of at least 5.
Region Sum lines (R1C1 to R9C1): The sum of the digits on a blue Region Sum line must be the same for each box it enters.
Sky Scraper line (R1C5 to R9C5): Consider each digit in the grid as a building of that height. Clues in the yellow circles give the number of buildings that can be seen from that direction (on the yellow line), with larger buildings hiding smaller ones (so the first 'seen' building is in the cell next to the circle).
10-line (R1C9 to R9C1): The grey 10-line consists of one or more contiguous groups of cells, each of which sums to 10. These groups of cells cannot overlap; every cell is part of exactly one group.
Between-line (R1C9 to R9C9): Digits on between-lines must have values strictly in between the values of the digits in the attached circles.
Zipper line (R5C1 to R5C9): Digits an equal distance from the center of a lavender line sum to the same total. For odd-length lines, the total is the digit placed in the line's center.
Dutch Whisper (R9C1 to R9C9): On an orange Dutch Whisper line neighbouring digits have a difference of at least 4.
Modular Lines (R8C1 to R8C9): Each consecutive group of 3 cells on a teal line must contain one digit from each of the following sets: [1,4,7], [2,5,8], and [3,6,9].
As always, have fun!
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Lösungscode: Row 7
am 1. März 2025, 01:20 Uhr von SirWoezel
Adjusted description of skyscraper lines
am 28. Februar 2025, 22:49 Uhr von superdog
Very fun puzzle! It was very enjoyable to bounce between different types of line and combining them to make progress. I would suggest a clarification/rewording of the skyscraper line explanation, from my reading it didn't seem clear that the buildings counted were along the line.
Ok, I can add that only ‘buildings’ on the yellow line count.
am 28. Februar 2025, 20:40 Uhr von SirWoezel
Still mixing up rows and colums :(
am 28. Februar 2025, 20:34 Uhr von SirWoezel
Added a clearer explanation for the sky scraper line
am 28. Februar 2025, 20:30 Uhr von SirWoezel
Fixed mistakes in row and column numbers
am 28. Februar 2025, 18:35 Uhr von MalefiX
I think you flipped rows and columns in several of the rules. E.g. Parity line (R1C1 to R9C1) is actually R1C1 to R_1!_C_9!_.
Thanks, I'll fix that.
am 28. Februar 2025, 17:54 Uhr von Archon
I enjoy sorting out interactions between the different moving parts of a puzzle, so I found this most enjoyable! Thank you!