Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Regional Heatwave

(Eingestellt am 24. Februar 2025, 21:52 Uhr von ThePedallingPianist)

I originally intended this puzzle for the CTC Fog App, but there was a minor rendering inconvenience with the diagonal lines. The two options were to fiddle with the app's settings to accommodate this puzzle, or simply to make a whole new puzzle where the lines were only orthogonal. Of course, I went for the latter, so please check out the app in a couple of weeks, when another slightly harder version of this puzzle will be released!

More Regionometer puzzles on LMD:
- Regionometers
- Hysteria

Play on SudokuPad

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Classic fog of war:
- Some of the grid is covered in fog;
- Entering a correct digit will clear all fog in that digits immediate neighbourhood.

- Box borders divide lines into segments, whose sums must strictly increase from one end to the other;
- No line has multiple segments in the same box;
- Different lines are different colours;
- Lines may not branch or share cells with other lines;
- Lines may cross diagonally at cell vertices.

N.B. Lines have been made thin enough such that it is not possible to assume that diagonal line segments do or do not exist based on a few pixels of colour in the corner of a non-fogged cell (e.g. r5c1-r6c2 may be a line segment even though it doesn't appear in the top corner of r6c1).

Lösungscode: Row 9 (bottom row), left to right

Zuletzt geändert am 25. Februar 2025, 01:24 Uhr

Gelöst von arctan, vmirandaa, Fizz, PhilipNyg, DiMono, Khatru, spatzle, zeniko, xocolatl, IcyFruit, kublai, vixeast, sze, tome_coelho, Chishiri, nottabird, Minze, Iluvsodah, stramosk, samuel1997, Myxo, ... taylorsc, tweedcowboy, Sarhik, botteur, oMisfit, sigge, jonmag, Julianl, YanksJets, Frutlop, koiking, martinsb, FakeWine, SirRookie, bilms, ignigomoreno, arauwer, bboom, Smartacus, StaticTimeHead
Komplette Liste


am 26. Februar 2025, 01:03 Uhr von PancakePie
Fun! It definitely stretched my mind for what was hiding back there behind the fog. Beautiful work!

am 25. Februar 2025, 23:22 Uhr von novato
Super fun to solve, quite approachable in the end but certainly not easy. Everything flowed really well.

am 25. Februar 2025, 15:23 Uhr von Franjo
Amazing puzzle with a beautiful break-in! And surprisingly approachable - especially for a TPP-puzzle… :-)
Thank you very much for creating and sharing this lovely gem.

am 25. Februar 2025, 13:52 Uhr von DonQuichopp
I am afraid I don't fully understand 1 part of the rules: what does strictly increase mean? 1<2<3 or 1<5<9?

am 25. Februar 2025, 12:13 Uhr von VitP
for any "noobs" reading this:
ignore the stated difficulty. it's wrong. this puzzle is "approachable", and worthy.
all you need is
- basic sudoku (there is a "pivot", but you can find that without knowing what it is)
- understanding the concept of >
- ability to add small numbers
- knowing basic cage combinations
- basic logic

am 25. Februar 2025, 10:20 Uhr von 9Rookienumbers
Amazing construction, challenging but smooth, thank you for this gem!

am 25. Februar 2025, 09:06 Uhr von rubencubed
very natural solve! I especially liked how the final line serves only to remove equality as an option

Zuletzt geändert am 25. Februar 2025, 04:45 Uhr

am 25. Februar 2025, 04:44 Uhr von therealsillypenguin
What a great puzzle! Had a very smooth beginning with a tricky middle section. Thanks for sharing!

Zuletzt geändert am 25. Februar 2025, 02:18 Uhr

am 25. Februar 2025, 02:17 Uhr von softie
What a puzzle! After the first 5 minutes I thought I'd just whip through this and then it took me through a 3* roller coaster. I loved the final disambiguation!

am 25. Februar 2025, 01:21 Uhr von ThePedallingPianist
Links to more Regionometer puzzles

Zuletzt geändert am 25. Februar 2025, 00:19 Uhr

am 25. Februar 2025, 00:19 Uhr von ViKingPrime
What a phenomenal puzzle. This has such a casual brilliance to it, the kind of puzzle that feels like it coalesced fully formed out of the ether... almost (or maybe completely?) divine.

am 24. Februar 2025, 22:16 Uhr von Fizz
Very cool and fun puzzle, thanks!

am 24. Februar 2025, 21:55 Uhr von arctan
lovely geometry, always enjoy when things fall into place just perfectly so, and absolutely loved the finish on this

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:175 mal
Beobachtet:1 mal

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