Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Delightful Duos (Colorful Arrows #2)

(Eingestellt am 8. Februar 2025, 21:40 Uhr von 99%Sneaky)


Follow-up puzzle to Cute Couples (Colorful Arrows #1). Special mention to I Love Sleeping for their wonderful testing and feedback!


#1 Normal sudoku rules apply.
#2 Digits in cells separated by a white dot are consecutive.
#3 Digits along arrows sum to the digit in the attached circle. Digits may repeat along arrows if allowed by other rules.

Note: For the following rules both the lines and circles of an arrow are counted as arrow segments.

#4 Any two orthogonally adjacent cells which contain blue colored arrow segments cannot both contain low (1,2,3) digits, medium (4,5,6) digits or high (7,8,9) digits.
#5 Any two orthogonally adjacent cells which contain red colored arrow segments must contain one even digit and one odd digit.
#6 Any two orthogonally adjacent cells which contain orange colored arrow segments must contain digits which have a difference of at least 4.

Play on SudokuPad/CTC App

Lösungscode: Row 6

Gelöst von OutOfMyMindBRB, Kafkapharnaum, MissLisa, Vodakhan , DouODos, aidan, SKORP17, farodin64, I Love Sleeping, bansalsaab, trashghost, teuthida, wullemuus
Komplette Liste


am 9. Februar 2025, 22:42 Uhr von I Love Sleeping
A 2nd colorful arrows puzzle! ☺
Very fun as usual, with sneaky deductions I always enjoy. Can't wait for number 3! :D

am 8. Februar 2025, 23:08 Uhr von Kafkapharnaum
Delightful duos indeed, and what a nice segue to Cute Couples. I was about to comment that I'm surprised I'm the first solve, as this was really just about as smooth and elegant as the first puzzle in this (hopfully continuing) series, but looks like I've been juuuus sniped, which I'm actually glad to see. Very well done again!

am 8. Februar 2025, 23:07 Uhr von OutOfMyMindBRB
Delightful setting with fun solve - thanks :-)

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:13 mal
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