Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Thou Shalt Pass

(Eingestellt am 3. Februar 2025, 09:39 Uhr von Wuschel)

  • Normal Sudoku rules: Place the digits 1-9 in each row, column and box, without repetition.
  • Yin Yang: Shade some cells so that all shaded cells are orthogonally connected, and all unshaded cells are orthogonally connected. No 2x2 area is fully shaded or fully unshaded. The value of a shaded cell is one greater than its digit, the value of an unshaded cell is one less than its digit.
  • Region Sum lines: Box borders split blue lines into segments, the sum of the values on a segment is the same for each segment. Different lines may have different totals.

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Lösungscode: Shaded cells from row 6 followed by unshaded cells from row 7

Gelöst von Piff, Snookerfan, gdc, tuturitu, sanabas, Dentones, Myxo, rameshsrivats, han233ing, Elliott810, bansalsaab, WedgeOfCheese, Scruffamudda, nordloc, Franjo, prodigis, Agent, Paletron, MagnusJosefsson, ... Florian Wortmann, DVFrank, Isael, Clara123, jkuo7, Norkas, Sotehr, roflsalot, aqjhs, CauchySchwarz, Asphodel, Hazem-77, madhupt, killer_rectangle, samjna0049, jaime, feverlute, joelth, humm42
Komplette Liste


am 7. Februar 2025, 10:12 Uhr von madhupt
What a beautiful puzzle! Very smooth throughout that results in a very enjoyable solve. A most worthy candidate for a CtC solve. Thanks for sharing this.

am 5. Februar 2025, 21:53 Uhr von Norkas
This puzzle felt so creative in the way it was set up and facilitated steps I didn't see coming without ever being obtuse. Brilliantly set.

am 4. Februar 2025, 23:19 Uhr von DVFrank
Brilliant! What a wonderful string of deductions all the way through! :^)

am 4. Februar 2025, 22:30 Uhr von Florian Wortmann
I look forward to seeing this puzzle driving Simon crazy.

am 4. Februar 2025, 14:12 Uhr von Agent
Great puzzle with a well-polished solution path!

am 4. Februar 2025, 14:05 Uhr von prodigis
Terrific arithmetic exercise and very fun

am 4. Februar 2025, 14:04 Uhr von Franjo
Challenging - and so satisfying! Thank you very much for creating and sharing this amazing puzzle.

am 3. Februar 2025, 15:11 Uhr von rameshsrivats
Tough but terrific. Thanks.

am 3. Februar 2025, 14:06 Uhr von Myxo

am 3. Februar 2025, 12:15 Uhr von sanabas
Fantastic puzzle with some great deductions. Recommend persisting with it even if the ruleset is bending brain and it's a struggle to find the breakin, as it's very much worth it.

Zuletzt geändert am 3. Februar 2025, 11:16 Uhr

am 3. Februar 2025, 11:15 Uhr von Snookerfan
Gorgeous puzzle! Very powerful and mindbending ruleset, great fun. Great setup where the title becomes totally relevant. Thank you

Bewertung:99 %
Gelöst:45 mal
Beobachtet:2 mal

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