Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Whispering Isles

(Eingestellt am 18. Januar 2025, 01:44 Uhr von yttrio)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

-- Shade some cells such that all shaded cells are orthogonally connected (water), but no 2x2 area is entirely shaded.
-- Groups of orthogonally connected unshaded cells form islands. An island may be of size 1. Every cell with a circle clue is unshaded, and each island contains exactly one circle cell. The digit in this circle cell gives the size of the island. Note that an island may occupy a full 2x2 area (unlike water).

Digits may not repeat within an island.

Islands act as German Whispers: orthogonally connected digits within an island must have a difference of at least 5.

Cells with a square clue are always shaded (water), and the digit in these cells count the total number of shaded cells seen horizontally and vertically from that cell, including itself. Unshaded cells block the vision.


Lösungscode: Shaded (water) cells in row 7 from left to right

Gelöst von MaizeGator, Calvinball, Calesch, tuturitu, Agent, JustDoggy, han233ing, bansalsaab, Snookerfan, sze, LehanLehan, Mr_tn, Felis_Timon, askaksaksask, Vodakhan , humm42, gdc, dogfarts, Andrewmi3, ... Voidslime, jaime, Sudoku Lukas, Bootenks, abadx, GoogleEnPassant, Gorzantinopulus, feverlute, waffles_the_dog, jkuo7, misko, ManuH, Aran-Fey, Dharmabum, oskode, Kavman15, DokiNabi, geronimo92
Komplette Liste


am 31. Januar 2025, 12:21 Uhr von waffles_the_dog
This was a super fun puzzle, the break in was very clear, and the depth of the logic improved steadily through the solve. My biggest difficulty was apparently the act of counting squares :D

am 27. Januar 2025, 00:15 Uhr von abadx
A delightful and quite approachable masterpiece. I really like how yttrio builds this rising difficult slope towards a middle game peak (a subtle but still interesting progression)

am 24. Januar 2025, 13:36 Uhr von puzzlepandit
One of those where you just keep looking for next step. But once finished gives you unbounded satisfaction

am 22. Januar 2025, 09:37 Uhr von sorryimLate
4* but if you find the right question at the right moment, this might feel like 2*. I didn't... Wonderful puzzle, thanks!

am 20. Januar 2025, 19:44 Uhr von BenTen
I love this puzzle type and this was super fun, thanks.

am 20. Januar 2025, 16:56 Uhr von Titus Adduxas
That was a gorgeous puzzle. I fairly whizzed through the first part but got completely stuck about half way through. Once I’d been given a little hint it resolved brilliantly. Loved it.

am 19. Januar 2025, 12:46 Uhr von thrutch
Superb! Like askaksaksask and Chaka I got off to a brisk start and then stalled in the middle. It took me ages to spot the beautiful and intricate logic that suddenly resolved everything, but in hindsight it was not at all unreasonable.

am 19. Januar 2025, 10:54 Uhr von Chaka
Fantastic! I had some trouble in the middly part of the solve so this is more of a 4,5* puzzle to me. Might have missed some logic though.
Thank you for sharing another brillant sudoku setting, yttrio! Love your puzzles!

am 18. Januar 2025, 22:10 Uhr von askaksaksask
I always enjoy a good nurikabe puzzle, especially when resistance starts to pop up later in the solve! A breezy start with a wonderful midsolve crux, and nice, smooth logic throughout. Wonderful. Thank you!

am 18. Januar 2025, 18:00 Uhr von Snookerfan
Beautiful puzzle! The solve was so smooth that I found it only 2 to 3 stars difficulty. Thank you

am 18. Januar 2025, 02:19 Uhr von Calvinball
A wonderful respite to a tropical island paradise.

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:65 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal


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