Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Marigolds and Tulips

(Eingestellt am 15. Januar 2025, 04:16 Uhr von NotSoMagnifique)

Sometimes a constraint is beautiful both visually and logically, and a skyscraper line fits that perfectly! I plan to make more use of them in the future.


- Normal sudoku rules apply.

- Skyscraper Lines - A digit on a diamond indicates the number of visible skyscrapers along its line (not including itself) from that digit's direction of view - digits may repeat along the line if allowed by other rules. Example: If there is a diamond with a value of 4, a legal string could be 2356236, since the first 6 hides everything behind it on the line, including the next 6.

- Dutch Whispers - each digit on an orange Dutch Whisper line must differ in value by at least 4 from its neighbor on the line.

- XV sums - digits separated by a V sum to 5; digits separated by an X sum to 10. No negative constraint.

- Ratio Kropki dots - digits separated by a black Kropki dot have a value ratio of 1:2. No negative constraint.

Solve on Sudokupad.

Lösungscode: Row 4 digits, left to right

Gelöst von Joyofrandomness, timotab, jalebc, Bjd, marcmees, flaemmchen, SKORP17, geronimo92, r0the, sujoyku, ChinStrap, palpot, olliwright, Crul, abihummel, goldennumber, zrbakhtiar, KlausRG, TeakH064, Catlover, StefanSch, jgarber, Montikulum
Komplette Liste


am 30. Januar 2025, 18:23 Uhr von StefanSch
The upper left (or alternatively the lower left) skyscraper line is redundant.

Zuletzt geändert am 20. Januar 2025, 01:25 Uhr

am 20. Januar 2025, 01:23 Uhr von sujoyku
I am usually not a fan of skyscraper clues, but this was fun. Thank you for setting and sharing, NotSoMagnifique!

>>>NSM here - your patronage is always appreciated.

Zuletzt geändert am 19. Januar 2025, 19:06 Uhr

am 19. Januar 2025, 17:57 Uhr von r0the

>>>NSM here - thank you! This one had had a limited response so I didn't know if people were actually enjoying it.

Maybe the skyscraper lines are a bit intimidating. First I looked at them quite a while for a break-in. Once I noticed the actual start (which is wonderful, btw.), the solving had a very nice flow and the skyscapers joined in quite naturally.

am 15. Januar 2025, 05:21 Uhr von timotab
Super fun and elegant puzzle!

Bewertung:89 %
Gelöst:23 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal

Standardrätsel Englischkenntnisse

Lösung abgeben

