Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Holy Knights of the Polka Dot

(Eingestellt am 11. Januar 2025, 13:28 Uhr von Mayamor)

Holy Knights of the Polka Dot


1. Normal sudoku rules apply

2. Digits on the diagonals cannot repeat.

3. Anti-knight rules apply, digits cannot appear a knights move away

4. Every cage contains a unique domino.

5. Every color Polka Dot applies a constraint. Digits can contain a difference of 1, a ratio of 2, a ratio of 3, a ratio of 4, or add up to 10. Solver has to determine which color has which constraint.

Solve Online (F-Puzzles)

Solve Online (Sudokupad)

Happy Solving!

Lösungscode: Type the bottom row (9 digits) from left to ritht without spaces

Gelöst von Dentones, IveejNaris, SKORP17, Nada, Bankey, Piff, SirWoezel, nunc, by81996672, lune, ElPrumpo, zuzanina, Julianl, Lakritze, RedBarchetta, peterkp, IvoryLinnie, belnovic, lianarox, archer4547, owler, SparklePuzzle, TaeChi
Komplette Liste


am 12. Januar 2025, 22:55 Uhr von RedBarchetta
Oh how I love to use Excel with Sudoku! Great puzzle; Not too difficult - just uses lots of logic. Thanks!

am 12. Januar 2025, 00:42 Uhr von nunc
Such a great puzzle. Thank you very much.

am 11. Januar 2025, 22:54 Uhr von SirWoezel
Almost gave up several times. Glad I didn’t. This is an really cool puzzle.

am 11. Januar 2025, 18:32 Uhr von Bankey
That was fun. Thanks, @ Mayamor :).

Bewertung:89 %
Gelöst:23 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal


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