Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Scattered Carcassonne Tiles

(Eingestellt am 4. Januar 2025, 10:30 Uhr von Flabort)

Standard DuoDoku rules apply (The grid is composed of two overlapping sudoku grids that share two regions, in each of which standard sudoku rules apply)

The clues have been divided and scattered among 16 Carcassonne tiles (Seen here: https://i.imgur.com/Km3qX5h.png ). These tiles must be arranged on the grid in a valid Carcassonne game setup. This means: Edges with a city must match edges with a city, or be along the empty edge of the grid. Edges with a road must match edges with a road, or be along the empty edge of the grid. Edges with only field must match edges with only field, or be along the empty edge of the grid. Tiles cannot overlap, and each tile represents one 3x3 region of a sudoku grid. Tiles which contain one or more given digits must be rotated so that the given digit is rotated correctly. Tiles without any given digits can be rotated in any orientation.

The value of Cloisters/Monasteries (represented by red circles with given digits) represent how many tiles have been placed adjacent to the tile the cloister is on, including the cloister's tile itself. IE, a cloister with a value of 9 means that it's tile is completely surrounded orthogonally and diagonally.

Digits along a road are French Whisper Lines, which means adjacent digits along the line must differ by at least 3. Given digits along a road which aren't also in a city or cloister indicate how many tiles long that road is (how many 3x3 regions it enters), and not all roads have a given digit.

Digits may not repeat within a city. A cell is considered part of a city if any part of the city enters it.

Digits separated by a black meeple (black dot) have a ratio of 1:2. Digits separated by a white meeple (white dot) are consecutive. Not all possible meeples have been placed.

Solve now on Sudokupad
The solver Chameleon imported this puzzle to Puzzle TV where the jigsaw pieces can be moved.

Lösungscode: Row 9 (15 digits long)

Zuletzt geändert am 10. Februar 2025, 01:47 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, Lorena, ICHTUES, szymex73, chameleon, askaksaksask, th3d1c3m4n
Komplette Liste


am 10. Februar 2025, 01:47 Uhr von Flabort
Added additional link to alternative online solving tool, where puzzle pieces can be manipulated. Thanks Chameleon!

am 13. Januar 2025, 19:46 Uhr von th3d1c3m4n
Awesome one, really liked the back and forth between Carcassonne logic and Sudoku! Thanks!

am 10. Januar 2025, 03:06 Uhr von askaksaksask
This was such fun. I generally like to solve digitally, but here, my best bet was to print off the pieces from the imgur link (scaled up in adobe to the same size as a printable grid). I cut the pieces up and as I got more confident I would glue on. To anyone looking to have a little hobby time mixed in with their solve, you cannot do better than this! The puzzle is wonderful and there's certainly an extra layer of pride when you crack this one. Happy to untangle the mess of an unruly cat :) Thank you for this puzzle!!

am 9. Januar 2025, 19:08 Uhr von chameleon
What a puzzle!

am 7. Januar 2025, 21:17 Uhr von ICHTUES
Really nice puzzle. I like the idea of a puzzle in a puzzle.

am 4. Januar 2025, 18:30 Uhr von Lorena
My husband and I had great fun solving this, loved the idea and the tricky tricky execution! Thank you! Can’t wait for part 2 wink wink nudge nudge.

am 4. Januar 2025, 10:33 Uhr von Flabort
Remembered to add link to solve it online

am 4. Januar 2025, 10:31 Uhr von Flabort
Added more line breaks

am 4. Januar 2025, 10:31 Uhr von Flabort
Line breaks

Gelöst:7 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal

Rätselkombination Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool Mehrgitterrätsel

Lösung abgeben

